angel otarola
angel otarola
Atmosphere Scientist / European Southern Observatory
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Thirty Meter Telescope site testing I: overview
M Schöck, S Els, R Riddle, W Skidmore, T Travouillon, R Blum, E Bustos, ...
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 121 (878), 384, 2009
The cosmic background imager
S Padin, MC Shepherd, JK Cartwright, RG Keeney, BS Mason, ...
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 114 (791), 83, 2001
Impact of satellite constellations on optical astronomy and recommendations toward mitigations
C Walker, J Hall, L Allen, R Green, P Seitzer, T Tyson, A Bauer, K Krafton, ...
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 52 (2), 2020
Thirty meter telescope site testing X: precipitable water vapor
A Otárola, T Travouillon, M Schöck, S Els, R Riddle, W Skidmore, R Dahl, ...
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 122 (890), 470, 2010
Impact of the SpaceX starlink satellites on the Zwicky transient facility survey observations
P Mróz, A Otarola, TA Prince, R Dekany, DA Duev, MJ Graham, SL Groom, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 924 (2), L30, 2022
Modeling of pulsed-laser guide stars for the Thirty Meter Telescope project
SM Rochester, A Otarola, C Boyer, D Budker, B Ellerbroek, ...
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 29 (8), 2176-2188, 2012
First observations and magnitude measurement of Starlink’s Darksat
J Tregloan-Reed, A Otarola, E Ortiz, V Molina, J Anais, R González, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 637, L1, 2020
Keck II laser guide star AO system and performance with the TOPTICA/MPBC laser
JCY Chin, P Wizinowich, E Wetherell, S Lilley, S Cetre, S Ragland, ...
Adaptive Optics Systems V 9909, 254-272, 2016
Parque astronómico de atacama: An ideal site for millimeter, submillimeter, and mid-infrared astronomy
R Bustos, M Rubio, A Otárola, N Nagar
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 126 (946), 1126, 2014
Precipitable Water Vapor, Temperature, and Wind Statistics At Sites Suitable for mm and Submm Wavelength Astronomy in Northern Chile
A Otarola, C De Breuck, T Travouillon, S Matsushita, LÅ Nyman, ...
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 131 (998), 045001, 2019
The active temperature, ozone and moisture microwave spectrometer (ATOMMS)
ER Kursinski, D Ward, A Otarola, R Frehlich, C Groppi, S Albanna, ...
New Horizons in Occultation Research: Studies in Atmosphere and Climate, 295-313, 2009
Optical-to-NIR magnitude measurements of the Starlink LEO Darksat satellite and effectiveness of the darkening treatment
J Tregloan-Reed, A Otarola, E Unda-Sanzana, B Haeussler, F Gaete, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 647, A54, 2021
Adaptive optics program at TMT
C Boyer, S Adkins, DR Andersen, J Atwood, Y Bo, P Byrnes, K Caputa, ...
Adaptive Optics Systems IV 9148, 319-333, 2014
Prospects for terahertz radio astronomy from northern Chile
R Blundell, JW Barrett, H Gibson, C Gottleib, TR Hunter, R Kimberk, ...
Thirteenth International Symposium on Space Terahertz Technology 159, 2002
Looking for the sunyaev-zeldovich effect toward distant rosat clusters of galaxies
P Andreani, L Pizzo, G Dall'Oglio, N Whyborn, H Boehringer, P Shaver, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 459 (2), L49, 1996
The determination of precipitable water vapour at Llano de Chajnantor from observations of the 183 GHz water vapour line
G Delgado, A Otárola, V Belitsky, D Urbain, P Martin-Cocher
ALMA Memo Series, 1999
Analysis of wind data gathered at Chajnantor
JPP Beaupuits, A Otárola, FT Rantakyrö, RC Rivera, SJE Radford, ...
ALMA Memo 497 (497), 1-20, 2004
Analysing the impact of satellite constellations and ESO's role in supporting the astronomy community
A Williams, O Hainaut, A Otarola, GH Tan, G Rotola
arXiv preprint arXiv:2108.04005, 2021
Local thermal seeing modeling validation through observatory measurements
K Vogiatzis, A Otarola, W Skidmore, T Travouillon, G Angeli
Modeling, Systems Engineering, and Project Management for Astronomy V 8449 …, 2012
Comparison of meteorological data at the Pampa La Bola and Llano de Chajnantor sites
S Sakamoto, K Handa, K Kohno, N Nakai, A Otárola, SJE Radford, ...
NRAO/ALMA Memo 322, 19, 2000
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Articles 1–20