Thirty Meter Telescope site testing I: overview M Schöck, S Els, R Riddle, W Skidmore, T Travouillon, R Blum, E Bustos, ... Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 121 (878), 384, 2009 | 193 | 2009 |
The cosmic background imager S Padin, MC Shepherd, JK Cartwright, RG Keeney, BS Mason, ... Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 114 (791), 83, 2001 | 172 | 2001 |
Impact of satellite constellations on optical astronomy and recommendations toward mitigations C Walker, J Hall, L Allen, R Green, P Seitzer, T Tyson, A Bauer, K Krafton, ... Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 52 (2), 2020 | 74 | 2020 |
Thirty meter telescope site testing X: precipitable water vapor A Otárola, T Travouillon, M Schöck, S Els, R Riddle, W Skidmore, R Dahl, ... Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 122 (890), 470, 2010 | 65 | 2010 |
Impact of the SpaceX starlink satellites on the Zwicky transient facility survey observations P Mróz, A Otarola, TA Prince, R Dekany, DA Duev, MJ Graham, SL Groom, ... The Astrophysical Journal Letters 924 (2), L30, 2022 | 60 | 2022 |
Modeling of pulsed-laser guide stars for the Thirty Meter Telescope project SM Rochester, A Otarola, C Boyer, D Budker, B Ellerbroek, ... Journal of the Optical Society of America B 29 (8), 2176-2188, 2012 | 58 | 2012 |
First observations and magnitude measurement of Starlink’s Darksat J Tregloan-Reed, A Otarola, E Ortiz, V Molina, J Anais, R González, ... Astronomy & Astrophysics 637, L1, 2020 | 47 | 2020 |
Keck II laser guide star AO system and performance with the TOPTICA/MPBC laser JCY Chin, P Wizinowich, E Wetherell, S Lilley, S Cetre, S Ragland, ... Adaptive Optics Systems V 9909, 254-272, 2016 | 45 | 2016 |
Parque astronómico de atacama: An ideal site for millimeter, submillimeter, and mid-infrared astronomy R Bustos, M Rubio, A Otárola, N Nagar Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 126 (946), 1126, 2014 | 44 | 2014 |
Precipitable Water Vapor, Temperature, and Wind Statistics At Sites Suitable for mm and Submm Wavelength Astronomy in Northern Chile A Otarola, C De Breuck, T Travouillon, S Matsushita, LÅ Nyman, ... Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 131 (998), 045001, 2019 | 31 | 2019 |
The active temperature, ozone and moisture microwave spectrometer (ATOMMS) ER Kursinski, D Ward, A Otarola, R Frehlich, C Groppi, S Albanna, ... New Horizons in Occultation Research: Studies in Atmosphere and Climate, 295-313, 2009 | 31 | 2009 |
Optical-to-NIR magnitude measurements of the Starlink LEO Darksat satellite and effectiveness of the darkening treatment J Tregloan-Reed, A Otarola, E Unda-Sanzana, B Haeussler, F Gaete, ... Astronomy & Astrophysics 647, A54, 2021 | 28 | 2021 |
Adaptive optics program at TMT C Boyer, S Adkins, DR Andersen, J Atwood, Y Bo, P Byrnes, K Caputa, ... Adaptive Optics Systems IV 9148, 319-333, 2014 | 27 | 2014 |
Prospects for terahertz radio astronomy from northern Chile R Blundell, JW Barrett, H Gibson, C Gottleib, TR Hunter, R Kimberk, ... Thirteenth International Symposium on Space Terahertz Technology 159, 2002 | 27 | 2002 |
Looking for the sunyaev-zeldovich effect toward distant rosat clusters of galaxies P Andreani, L Pizzo, G Dall'Oglio, N Whyborn, H Boehringer, P Shaver, ... The Astrophysical Journal 459 (2), L49, 1996 | 27 | 1996 |
The determination of precipitable water vapour at Llano de Chajnantor from observations of the 183 GHz water vapour line G Delgado, A Otárola, V Belitsky, D Urbain, P Martin-Cocher ALMA Memo Series, 1999 | 26 | 1999 |
Analysis of wind data gathered at Chajnantor JPP Beaupuits, A Otárola, FT Rantakyrö, RC Rivera, SJE Radford, ... ALMA Memo 497 (497), 1-20, 2004 | 25 | 2004 |
Analysing the impact of satellite constellations and ESO's role in supporting the astronomy community A Williams, O Hainaut, A Otarola, GH Tan, G Rotola arXiv preprint arXiv:2108.04005, 2021 | 23 | 2021 |
Local thermal seeing modeling validation through observatory measurements K Vogiatzis, A Otarola, W Skidmore, T Travouillon, G Angeli Modeling, Systems Engineering, and Project Management for Astronomy V 8449 …, 2012 | 22 | 2012 |
Comparison of meteorological data at the Pampa La Bola and Llano de Chajnantor sites S Sakamoto, K Handa, K Kohno, N Nakai, A Otárola, SJE Radford, ... NRAO/ALMA Memo 322, 19, 2000 | 19 | 2000 |