Chad Topaz
Cited by
Cited by
Swarming patterns in a two-dimensional kinematic model for biological groups
CM Topaz, AL Bertozzi
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 65 (1), 152-174, 2004
A nonlocal continuum model for biological aggregation
CM Topaz, AL Bertozzi, MA Lewis
Bull. Math. Bio 68 (7), 2006
A Primer of Swarm Equilibria
AJ Bernoff, CM Topaz
SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Sys. 10 (1), 212-250, 2011
Topological Data Analysis of Biological Aggregation Models
CM Topaz, L Ziegelmeier, T Halverson
PLoS One 10 (5), e0126383, 2015
A model for rolling swarms of locusts
CM Topaz, AJ Bernoff, S Logan, W Toolson
The European Physical Journal Special Topics 157, 93-109, 2008
Locust dynamics: behavioral phase change and swarming
CM Topaz, MR D'Orsogna, L Edelstein-Keshet, AJ Bernoff
PLoS Comp. Bio. 8 (8), e1002642, 2012
Gender representation on journal editorial boards in the mathematical sciences
CM Topaz, S Sen
PLoS One 11 (8), e0161357, 2016
Diversity of artists in major U.S. museums
CM Topaz, B Klingenberg, D Turek, B Heggeseth, PE Harris, ...
PLOS One 14 (3), e0212852, 2019
Asymptotic dynamics of attractive-repulsive swarms
AJ Leverentz, CM Topaz, AJ Bernoff
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 8 (3), 880-908, 2009
Flipped calculus: A study of student performance and perceptions
LB Ziegelmeier, CM Topaz
Primus 25 (9-10), 847-860, 2015
Blogs and wikis as instructional tools: A social software adaptation of just-in-time teaching
J Higdon, C Topaz
College Teaching 57 (2), 105-110, 2009
Do introductory courses disproportionately drive minoritized students out of STEM pathways?
N Hatfield, N Brown, CM Topaz
PNAS nexus 1 (4), pgac167, 2022
Two-frequency forced Faraday waves: weakly damped modes and pattern selection
M Silber, CM Topaz, AC Skeldon
Physica D: nonlinear phenomena 143 (1-4), 205-225, 2000
Nonlocal aggregation models: A primer of swarm equilibria
AJ Bernoff, CM Topaz
SIAM Rev. 55 (4), 709-747, 2013
Analyzing collective motion with machine learning and topology
D Bhaskar, A Manhart, J Milzman, JT Nardini, KM Storey, CM Topaz, ...
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 29 (12), 2019
Multifrequency control of Faraday wave patterns
CM Topaz, J Porter, M Silber
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 70 (6 …, 2004
Pattern control via multifrequency parametric forcing
J Porter, CM Topaz, M Silber
Physical review letters 93 (3), 034502, 2004
A topological approach to selecting models of biological experiments
M Ulmer, L Ziegelmeier, CM Topaz
PLOS One 14 (3), e0213679, 2019
Resonances and superlattice pattern stabilization in two-frequency forced Faraday waves
CM Topaz, M Silber
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 172 (1-4), 1-29, 2002
Biological aggregation driven by social and environmental factors: A nonlocal model and its degenerate Cahn--Hilliard approximation
AJ Bernoff, CM Topaz
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 15 (3), 1528-1562, 2016
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Articles 1–20