Christian Schallhart
Christian Schallhart
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Cited by
A brief account of runtime verification
M Leucker, C Schallhart
The journal of logic and algebraic programming 78 (5), 293-303, 2009
Runtime verification for LTL and TLTL
A Bauer, M Leucker, C Schallhart
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM) 20 (4), 1-64, 2011
Comparing LTL semantics for runtime verification
A Bauer, M Leucker, C Schallhart
Journal of Logic and Computation 20 (3), 651-674, 2010
Monitoring of real-time properties
A Bauer, M Leucker, C Schallhart
FSTTCS 2006: Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer …, 2006
Detecting malicious code by model checking
J Kinder, S Katzenbeisser, C Schallhart, H Veith
Detection of Intrusions and Malware, and Vulnerability Assessment, 174-187, 2005
The good, the bad, and the ugly, but how ugly is ugly?
A Bauer, M Leucker, C Schallhart
International Workshop on Runtime Verification, 126-138, 2007
Secure extensible computing environment
J Thoma, S Murphy, C Schallhart
US Patent App. 10/041,772, 2002
OXPath: A language for scalable data extraction, automation, and crawling on the deep web
T Furche, G Gottlob, G Grasso, C Schallhart, A Sellers
The VLDB Journal 22, 47-72, 2013
DIADEM: thousands of websites to a single database
T Furche, G Gottlob, G Grasso, X Guo, G Orsi, C Schallhart, C Wang
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 7 (14), 1845-1856, 2014
CBMC-GC: an ANSI C compiler for secure two-party computations
M Franz, A Holzer, S Katzenbeisser, C Schallhart, H Veith
International Conference on Compiler Construction, 244-249, 2014
FShell: Systematic Test Case Generation for Dynamic Analysis and Measurement: Tool Paper
A Holzer, C Schallhart, M Tautschnig, H Veith
Computer Aided Verification: 20th International Conference, CAV 2008 …, 2008
14 tools for test case generation
A Belinfante, L Frantzen, C Schallhart
Model-Based Testing of Reactive Systems: Advanced Lectures, 391-438, 2005
Model-based runtime analysis of distributed reactive systems
A Bauer, M Leucker, C Schallhart
Australian Software Engineering Conference (ASWEC'06), 10 pp.-252, 2006
Proactive detection of computer worms using model checking
J Kinder, S Katzenbeisser, C Schallhart, H Veith
IEEE transactions on dependable and secure computing 7 (4), 424-438, 2008
DIADEM: domain-centric, intelligent, automated data extraction methodology
T Furche, G Gottlob, G Grasso, O Gunes, X Guo, A Kravchenko, G Orsi, ...
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on World Wide Web, 267-270, 2012
deqa: Deep Web Extraction for Question Answering
J Lehmann, T Furche, G Grasso, ACN Ngomo, C Schallhart, A Sellers, ...
The Semantic Web–ISWC 2012: 11th International Semantic Web Conference …, 2012
How did you specify your test suite
A Holzer, C Schallhart, M Tautschnig, H Veith
Proceedings of the 25th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated …, 2010
Query-driven program testing
A Holzer, C Schallhart, M Tautschnig, H Veith
Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation: 10th …, 2009
Oxpath: A language for scalable, memory-efficient data extraction from web applications
T Furche, G Gottlob, G Grasso, C Schallhart, A Sellers
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 4 (11), 1016-1027, 2011
COLA--The component language
S Kugele, M Tautschnig, A Bauer, C Schallhart, S Merenda, W Haberl, ...
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Articles 1–20