Jiří Barnat
Jiří Barnat
Masaryk University, Faculty of Informatics
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Distributed LTL model-checking in SPIN
J Barnat, L Brim, J Stříbrná
Model Checking Software, 200-216, 2001
DiVinE 3.0–an explicit-state model checker for multithreaded C & C++ programs
J Barnat, L Brim, V Havel, J Havlíček, J Kriho, M Lenčo, P Ročkai, V Štill, ...
Computer Aided Verification: 25th International Conference, CAV 2013, Saint …, 2013
DiVinE–a tool for distributed verification
J Barnat, L Brim, I Černá, P Moravec, P Ročkai, P Šimeček
Computer Aided Verification, 278-281, 2006
Temporal logic control of discrete-time piecewise affine systems
B Yordanov, J Tumova, I Cerna, J Barnat, C Belta
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 57 (6), 1491-1504, 2011
Computing strongly connected components in parallel on CUDA
J Barnat, P Bauch, L Brim, M Ceška
2011 IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium, 544-555, 2011
DiVinE: Parallel Distributed Model Checker
J Barnat, L Brim, M Ceska, P Rockai
Parallel and Distributed Methods in Verification, 2010 Ninth International …, 2010
Parallel breadth-first search LTL model-checking
J Barnat, L Brim, J Chaloupka
Automated Software Engineering, 2003. Proceedings. 18th IEEE International …, 2003
Scalable multi-core LTL model-checking
J Barnat, L Brim, P Ročkai
Model Checking Software: 14th International SPIN Workshop, Berlin, Germany …, 2007
Model Checking of C and C++ with DIVINE 4
Z Baranová, J Barnat, K Kejstová, T Kučera, H Lauko, J Mrázek, P Ročkai, ...
Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis: 15th International …, 2017
On parameter synthesis by parallel model checking
J Barnat, L Brim, A Krejci, A Streck, D Safranek, M Vejnar, T Vejpustek
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics 9 (3), 693-705, 2011
Distributed algorithms for SCC decomposition
J Barnat, J Chaloupka, J Van De Pol
Journal of Logic and Computation 21 (1), 23-44, 2011
CUDA Accelerated LTL Model Checking
J Barnat, L Brim, M Češka, T Lamr
15th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS …, 2009
Designing fast LTL model checking algorithms for many-core GPUs
J Barnat, P Bauch, L Brim, M Češka
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 2011
Property driven distribution of nested DFS
J Barnat, L Brim, I Černá
University of Southampton, UK, 2002
Efficient large-scale model checking
K Verstoep, HE Bal, J Barnat, L Brim
2009 IEEE International Symposium on Parallel & Distributed Processing, 1-12, 2009
Parallel Partial Order Reduction with Topological Sort Proviso
J Barnat, L Brim, P Rockai
Software Engineering and Formal Methods (SEFM), 2010 8th IEEE International …, 2010
DiVinE 2.0: High-performance model checking
J Barnat, L Brim, P Ročkai
High Performance Computational Systems Biology, 2009. HIBI'09. International …, 2009
A time-optimal on-the-fly parallel algorithm for model checking of weak LTL properties
J Barnat, L Brim, P Ročkai
International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods, 407-425, 2009
DiVinE multi-core–A parallel LTL model-checker
J Barnat, L Brim, P Ročkai
Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis, 234-239, 2008
Tool chain to support automated formal verification of avionics simulink designs
J Barnat, J Beran, L Brim, T Kratochvíla, P Ročkai
International Workshop on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems, 78-92, 2012
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Articles 1–20