Mediterranean sea circulation AR Robinson, WG Leslie, A Theocharis, A Lascaratos Ocean currents 1 (19), 2001 | 442 | 2001 |
General circulation of the Eastern Mediterranean AR Robinson, P Malanotte-Rizzoli, A Hecht, A Michelato, W Roether, ... Earth-science reviews 32 (4), 285-309, 1992 | 390 | 1992 |
The eastern Mediterranean general circulation: features, structure and variability AR Robinson, M Golnaraghi, WG Leslie, A Artegiani, A Hecht, E Lazzoni, ... Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans 15 (3-5), 215-240, 1991 | 251 | 1991 |
The Atlantic ionian stream AR Robinson, J Sellschopp, A Warn-Varnas, WG Leslie, CJ Lozano, ... Journal of Marine Systems 20 (1-4), 129-156, 1999 | 219 | 1999 |
Uncertainties PFJ Lermusiaux, GG GAWARKIEWICZ, P ABBOT, AR ROBINSON, ... Oceanography 19 (1), 92, 2006 | 183 | 2006 |
Preparing to predict: the second autonomous ocean sampling network (AOSN-II) experiment in the Monterey Bay SR Ramp, RE Davis, NE Leonard, I Shulman, Y Chao, AR Robinson, ... Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 56 (3-5), 68-86, 2009 | 162 | 2009 |
An interdisciplinary ocean prediction system: Assimilation strategies ana structured data models CJ Lozano, AR Robinson, HG Arango, A Gangopadhyay, Q Sloan, ... Elsevier Oceanography Series 61, 413-452, 1996 | 113 | 1996 |
Estimation and prediction of oceanic eddy fields AR Robinson, WG Leslie Progress in Oceanography 14, 485-510, 1985 | 113 | 1985 |
Mesoscale and upper ocean variabilities during the 1989 JGOFS bloom study AR Robinson, DJ McGillicuddy, J Calman, HW Ducklow, MJR Fasham, ... Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 40 (1-2), 9-35, 1993 | 103 | 1993 |
Forecasting and reanalysis in the Monterey Bay/California current region for the autonomous ocean sampling network-II experiment PJ Haley Jr, PFJ Lermusiaux, AR Robinson, WG Leslie, O Logoutov, ... Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 56 (3-5), 127-148, 2009 | 101 | 2009 |
Acoustically focused adaptive sampling and on-board routing for marine rapid environmental assessment D Wang, PFJ Lermusiaux, PJ Haley, D Eickstedt, WG Leslie, H Schmidt Journal of Marine Systems 78, S393-S407, 2009 | 89 | 2009 |
Science of autonomy: Time-optimal path planning and adaptive sampling for swarms of ocean vehicles PFJ Lermusiaux, T Lolla, PJ Haley Jr, K Yigit, MP Ueckermann, ... Springer Handbook of Ocean Engineering, 481-498, 2016 | 88 | 2016 |
Small synoptic/mesoscale eddies and energetic variability of the eastern Levantine basin AR Robinson, A Hecht, N Pinardi, J Bishop, WG Leslie, Z Rosentroub, ... Nature 327 (6118), 131-134, 1987 | 82 | 1987 |
Data assimilation and dynamical interpolation in Gulfcast experiments AR Robinson, MA Spall, LJ Walstad, WG Leslie Dynamics of atmospheres and oceans 13 (3-4), 301-316, 1989 | 74 | 1989 |
Spatial and temporal variations in acoustic propagation during the PLUSNet'07 exercise in Dabob Bay J Xu, PF Lermusiaux, PJ Haley Jr, WG Leslie, OG Logutov Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics 4 (1), 2008 | 69 | 2008 |
Multiscale physical and biological dynamics in the Philippine Archipelago: Predictions and processes PFJ Lermusiaux, PJ HaLey Jr, WNG LesLie, A Agarwal, OG Logutov, ... Oceanography 24 (1), 70-89, 2011 | 68 | 2011 |
Feature-oriented regional modeling and simulations in the Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank A Gangopadhyay, AR Robinson, PJ Haley, WG Leslie, CJ Lozano, ... Continental Shelf Research 23 (3-4), 317-353, 2003 | 68 | 2003 |
Circulation and intrusions northeast of Taiwan: Chasing and predicting uncertainty in the cold dome G Gawarkiewicz, S Jan, PFJ Lermusiaux, JL McClean, L Centurioni, ... Oceanography 24 (4), 110-121, 2011 | 64 | 2011 |
At-sea real-time coupled four-dimensional oceanographic and acoustic forecasts during Battlespace Preparation 2007 FPA Lam, PJ Haley Jr, J Janmaat, PFJ Lermusiaux, WG Leslie, ... Journal of Marine Systems 78, S306-S320, 2009 | 62 | 2009 |
Advanced interdisciplinary data assimilation: Filtering and smoothing via error subspace statistical estimation PFJ Lermusiaux, AR Robinson, PJH Haley, WG Leslie OCEANS'02 MTS/IEEE 2, 795-802, 2002 | 62 | 2002 |