Amro Mohamed Elfeki
Amro Mohamed Elfeki
Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering
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A Markov chain model for subsurface characterization: theory and applications
A Elfeki, M Dekking
Mathematical geology 33, 569-589, 2001
Geostatistical analysis using GIS for mapping groundwater quality: case study in the recharge area of Wadi Usfan, western Saudi Arabia
K Marko, NS Al-Amri, AMM Elfeki
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 7, 5239-5252, 2014
Flash flood risk assessment in urban arid environment: case study of Taibah and Islamic universities’ campuses, Medina, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
M Abdulrazzak, A Elfeki, A Kamis, M Kassab, N Alamri, A Chaabani, ...
Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 2019
Dam break analysis and flood disaster simulation in arid urban environment: The Um Al-Khair dam case study, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
O Azeez, A Elfeki, AS Kamis, A Chaabani
Natural Hazards 100 (3), 995-1011, 2020
Modelling subsurface heterogeneity by coupled Markov chains: directional dependency, Walther’s law and entropy
AMM Elfeki, FM Dekking
Geotechnical & Geological Engineering 23, 721-756, 2005
Integrated rainfall–runoff and flood inundation modeling for flash flood risk assessment under data scarcity in arid regions: Wadi Fatimah basin case study, Saudi Arabia
A Elfeki, M Masoud, B Niyazi
Natural Hazards 85, 87-109, 2017
Reliability assessment of groundwater monitoring networks at landfill sites
NB Yenigül, AMM Elfeki, JC Gehrels, C Van Den Akker, AT Hensbergen, ...
Journal of Hydrology 308 (1-4), 1-17, 2005
Stochastic characterization of geological heterogeneity and its impact on groundwater contaminant transport
AMM Elfeki
Balkema, 1996
Development of intensity–duration–frequency curves for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
HA Ewea, AM Elfeki, NS Al-Amri
Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk 8 (2), 570-584, 2017
Development of storm hyetographs for flood forecasting in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
AM Elfeki, HA Ewea, NS Al-Amri
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 7, 4387-4398, 2014
Generalized coupled Markov chain model for characterizing categorical variables in soil mapping
E Park, AMM Elfeki, Y Song, K Kim
Soil Science Society of America Journal 71 (3), 909-917, 2007
A comparative study of the estimation methods for NRCS curve number of natural arid basins and the impact on flash flood predications
MM Farran, A Elfeki, M Elhag, A Chaabani
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 14, 1-23, 2021
Reducing concentration uncertainty using the coupled Markov chain approach
AMM Elfeki
Journal of hydrology 317 (1-2), 1-16, 2006
Groundwater Contaminant Transport: Impact of heterogenous characterization: a new view on dispersion
FBJ Barends
Routledge, 2017
Simulation of solute transport under oscillating groundwater flow in homogeneous aquifers
AMM Elfeki, GJM Uffink, S Lebreton
Journal of Hydraulic research 45 (2), 254-260, 2007
Developing a geomorphological instantaneous unit hydrograph (GIUH) using equivalent Horton-Strahler ratios for flash flood predictions in arid regions
S Bamufleh, A Al-Wagdany, A Elfeki, A Chaabani
Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk 11 (1), 1697-1723, 2020
Sensitivity analysis of runoff hydrographs due to temporal rainfall patterns in Makkah Al-Mukkramah region, Saudi Arabia
HA Ewea, AMM Elfeki, JA Bahrawi, NS Al-Amri
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 9, 1-12, 2016
Reducing geological uncertainty by conditioning on boreholes: the coupled Markov chain approach
AMM Elfeki, FM Dekking
Hydrogeology Journal 15, 1439-1455, 2007
Modeling of IDF curves for stormwater design in Makkah Al Mukarramah region, The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
HA Ewea, AM Elfeki, JA Bahrawi, NS Al-Amri
Open Geosciences 10 (1), 954-969, 2018
The impact of rainfall distribution patterns on hydrological and hydraulic response in arid regions: case study Medina, Saudi Arabia
M Abdulrazzak, A Elfeki, AS Kamis, M Kassab, N Alamri, K Noor, ...
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 11, 1-18, 2018
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Articles 1–20