Zhibin Yang (仰志斌)
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Cited by
Cross‐Stacking Aligned Carbon‐Nanotube Films to Tune Microwave Absorption Frequencies and Increase Absorption Intensities
H Sun, R Che, X You, Y Jiang, Z Yang, J Deng, L Qiu, H Peng
Advanced Materials 26 (48), 8120-8125, 2014
Recent advancement of nanostructured carbon for energy applications
Z Yang, J Ren, Z Zhang, X Chen, G Guan, L Qiu, Y Zhang, H Peng
Chemical Reviews 115 (11), 5159-5223, 2015
A Highly Stretchable, Fiber‐Shaped Supercapacitor
Z Yang, J Deng, X Chen, J Ren, H Peng
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 52 (50), 13453-13457, 2013
Bilateral alkylamine for suppressing charge recombination and improving stability in blade-coated perovskite solar cells
WQ Wu, Z Yang, PN Rudd, Y Shao, X Dai, H Wei, J Zhao, Y Fang, ...
Science Advances 5 (3), eaav8925, 2019
An Integrated “Energy Wire” for both Photoelectric Conversion and Energy Storage
T Chen, L Qiu, Z Yang, Z Cai, J Ren, H Li, H Lin, X Sun, H Peng
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 51 (48), 11977-11980, 2012
Molecular doping enabled scalable blading of efficient hole-transport-layer-free perovskite solar cells
WQ Wu, Q Wang, Y Fang, Y Shao, S Tang, Y Deng, H Lu, Y Liu, T Li, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 1625, 2018
Stable Low‐Bandgap Pb–Sn Binary Perovskites for Tandem Solar Cells
Z Yang, A Rajagopal, CC Chueh, SB Jo, B Liu, T Zhao, AKY Jen
Advanced Materials 28 (40), 8990-8997, 2016
Integrated Polymer Solar Cell and Electrochemical Supercapacitor in a Flexible and Stable Fiber Format
Z Zhang, X Chen, P Chen, G Guan, L Qiu, H Lin, Z Yang, W Bai, Y Luo, ...
Advanced Materials 26 (3), 466-470, 2014
Enhancing electron diffusion length in narrow-bandgap perovskites for efficient monolithic perovskite tandem solar cells
Z Yang, Z Yu, H Wei, X Xiao, Z Ni, B Chen, Y Deng, SN Habisreutinger, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 1-9, 2019
Highly Efficient Perovskite–Perovskite Tandem Solar Cells Reaching 80% of the Theoretical Limit in Photovoltage
A Rajagopal#, Z Yang#, SB Jo, IL Braly, PW Liang, HW Hillhouse, ...
Advanced Materials 29 (34), 2017
High‐performance fully printable perovskite solar cells via blade‐coating technique under the ambient condition
Z Yang, CC Chueh, F Zuo, JH Kim, PW Liang, AKY Jen
Advanced Energy Materials 5 (13), 1500328, 2015
Novel Graphene/Carbon Nanotube Composite Fibers for Efficient Wire‐Shaped Miniature Energy Devices
H Sun, X You, J Deng, X Chen, Z Yang, J Ren, H Peng
Advanced Materials 26 (18), 2868-2873, 2014
Conducting polymer composite film incorporated with aligned carbon nanotubes for transparent, flexible and efficient supercapacitor
H Lin, L Li, J Ren, Z Cai, L Qiu, Z Yang, H Peng
Scientific reports 3, 1353, 2013
Integrating Perovskite Solar Cells into a Flexible Fiber
L Qiu, J Deng, X Lu, Z Yang, H Peng
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 53 (39), 10425-10428, 2014
Intertwined aligned carbon nanotube fiber based dye-sensitized solar cells
T Chen, L Qiu, Z Cai, F Gong, Z Yang, Z Wang, H Peng
Nano letters 12 (5), 2568-2572, 2012
Synthetic control over orientational degeneracy of spacer cations enhances solar cell efficiency in two-dimensional perovskites
J Hu, IWH Oswald, SJ Stuard, MM Nahid, N Zhou, OF Williams, Z Guo, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 1276, 2019
Superelastic Supercapacitors with High Performances during Stretching
Z Zhang, J Deng, X Li, Z Yang, S He, X Chen, G Guan, J Ren, H Peng
Advanced Materials 27 (2), 356-362, 2015
Simplified interconnection structure based on C 60/SnO 2-x for all-perovskite tandem solar cells
Z Yu#, Z Yang#, Z Ni#, Y Shao, B Chen, Y Lin, H Wei, JY Zhengshan, ...
Nature Energy, 1-9, 2020
Stretchable, Wearable Dye‐Sensitized Solar Cells
Z Yang, J Deng, X Sun, H Li, H Peng
Advanced Materials 26 (17), 2643-2647, 2014
Ideal Bandgap Organic–Inorganic Hybrid Perovskite Solar Cells
Z Yang, A Rajagopal, AKY Jen
Advanced Materials 29 (47), 1704418, 2017
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Articles 1–20