Benjamin Monmege
Benjamin Monmege
Assistant Professor, Aix-Marseille Université, Laboratoire d'Informatique et Systèmes
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Cited by
Interval iteration algorithm for MDPs and IMDPs
S Haddad, B Monmege
Theoretical Computer Science 735, 111-131, 2018
Reachability in MDPs: Refining convergence of value iteration
S Haddad, B Monmege
Reachability Problems: 8th International Workshop, RP 2014, Oxford, UK …, 2014
Bounded Underapproximations
P Ganty, R Majumdar, B Monmege
Formal Methods in System Design 40 (2), 206-231, 2012
MightyL: A Compositional Translation from MITL to Timed Automata
T Brihaye, G Geeraerts, HM Ho, B Monmege
International Conference on Computer Aided Verification, 421-440, 2017
A fresh approach to learning register automata
B Bollig, P Habermehl, M Leucker, B Monmege
International Conference on Developments in Language Theory, 118-130, 2013
Pebble weighted automata and transitive closure logics
B Bollig, P Gastin, B Monmege, M Zeitoun
International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming, 587-598, 2010
Pseudopolynomial iterative algorithm to solve total-payoff games and min-cost reachability games
T Brihaye, G Geeraerts, A Haddad, B Monmege
Acta Informatica 54, 85-125, 2017
A robust class of data languages and an application to learning
B Bollig, P Habermehl, M Leucker, B Monmege
Logical Methods in Computer Science 10, 2014
Games on graphs
N Fijalkow, N Bertrand, P Bouyer-Decitre, R Brenguier, A Carayol, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.10546, 2023
Adding negative prices to priced timed games
T Brihaye, G Geeraerts, S Narayanan Krishna, L Manasa, B Monmege, ...
International Conference on Concurrency Theory, 560-575, 2014
A unifying survey on weighted logics and weighted automata: Core weighted logic: minimal and versatile specification of quantitative properties
P Gastin, B Monmege
Soft Computing 22, 1047-1065, 2018
To reach or not to reach? Efficient algorithms for total-payoff games
T Brihaye, G Geeraerts, A Haddad, B Monmege
arXiv preprint arXiv:1407.5030, 2014
Simple priced timed games are not that simple
T Brihaye, G Geeraerts, A Haddad, E Lefaucheux, B Monmege
arXiv preprint arXiv:1507.03786, 2015
Robust controller synthesis in timed büchi automata: A symbolic approach
D Busatto-Gaston, B Monmege, PA Reynier, O Sankur
Computer Aided Verification: 31st International Conference, CAV 2019, New …, 2019
Optimal reachability in divergent weighted timed games
D Busatto-Gaston, B Monmege, PA Reynier
Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures: 20th …, 2017
Pebble weighted automata and weighted logics
B Bollig, P Gastin, B Monmege, M Zeitoun
ACM Transactions on Computational Logic (TOCL) 15 (2), 1-35, 2014
Symbolic approximation of weighted timed games
D Busatto-Gaston, B Monmege, PA Reynier
arXiv preprint arXiv:1812.01062, 2018
Real-time synthesis is hard!
T Brihaye, M Estiévenart, G Geeraerts, HM Ho, B Monmege, N Sznajder
International Conference on Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems …, 2016
Specification and verification of quantitative properties: expressions, logics, and automata
B Monmege
École normale supérieure de Cachan-ENS Cachan, 2013
Adding Pebbles to Weighted Automata
P Gastin, B Monmege
Implementation and Application of Automata, 28-51, 2012
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Articles 1–20