B. Praveen Kumar
B. Praveen Kumar
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TropFlux: air-sea fluxes for the global tropical oceans—description and evaluation
B Praveen Kumar, J Vialard, M Lengaigne, VSN Murty, MJ McPhaden
Climate Dynamics, 1-23, 2011
TropFlux wind stresses over the tropical oceans: evaluation and comparison with other products
B Praveen Kumar, J Vialard, M Lengaigne, VSN Murty, MJ Mcphaden, ...
Climate dynamics 40, 2049-2071, 2013
Seasonal mixed layer heat balance of the southwestern tropical Indian Ocean
GR Foltz, J Vialard, BP Kumar, MJ McPhaden
Journal of Climate 23 (4), 947-965, 2010
Processes controlling the surface temperature signature of the Madden–Julian Oscillation in the thermocline ridge of the Indian Ocean
A Jayakumar, J Vialard, M Lengaigne, C Gnanaseelan, JP McCreary, ...
Climate Dynamics, 1-18, 2010
Air-sea interaction in the Bay of Bengal
RA Weller, JT Farrar, J Buckley, S Mathew, R Venkatesan, JS Lekha, ...
Oceanography 29 (2), 28-37, 2016
Latent heat flux sensitivity to sea surface temperature: Regional perspectives
BP Kumar, MF Cronin, S Joseph, M Ravichandran, N Sureshkumar
Journal of Climate 30 (1), 129-143, 2017
Teleconnection between the North Indian Ocean high swell events and meteorological conditions over the Southern Indian Ocean
PG Remya, S Vishnu, BP Kumar, TMB Nair, B Rohith
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 2016
Annihilation of the Somali upwelling system during summer monsoon
A Chatterjee, BP Kumar, S Prakash, P Singh
Scientific reports 9 (1), 7598, 2019
Impact of tropical and extra tropical climate variability on Indian Ocean surface waves
PG Remya, BP Kumar, G Srinivas, TMB Nair
Climate Dynamics 54, 4919-4933, 2020
Processes of interannual mixed layer temperature variability in the thermocline ridge of the Indian Ocean
B Praveen Kumar, J Vialard, M Lengaigne, VSN Murty, GR Foltz, ...
Climate dynamics 43, 2377-2397, 2014
Variability of near-surface circulation and sea surface salinity observed from Lagrangian drifters in the northern Bay of Bengal during the waning 2015 southwest monsoon
V Hormann, LR Centurioni, A Mahadevan, S Essink, EA D'Asaro, ...
Oceanography 29 (2), 124-133, 2016
Widespread cooling of the Bay of Bengal by tropical storm Roanu
BP Kumar, E D'Asaro, M Ravichandran
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 168, 104652, 2019
The impact of Indian Ocean dipole on tropical Indian Ocean surface wave heights in ERA5 and CMIP5 models
G Srinivas, P Remya, BP Kumar, A Modi, T Nair
International Journal of Climatology 41 (3), 1619-1632, 2021
Exploring the impact of southern ocean sea ice on the Indian Ocean swells
M Sreejith, R PG, BP Kumar, A Raj, TMB Nair
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 12360, 2022
Estimation of vertical heat diffusivity at the base of the mixed layer in the Bay of Bengal
MS Girishkumar, K Ashin, MJ McPhaden, B Balaji, B Praveenkumar
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 125 (5), e2019JC015402, 2020
Impact of southern annular mode on the Indian Ocean surface waves
M Sreejith, PG Remya, B Praveen Kumar, G Srinivas, ...
International Journal of Climatology 43 (16), 7606-7617, 2023
Assessment of the forecasting potential of WAVEWATCH III model under different Indian Ocean wave conditions
A Raj, BP Kumar, PG Remya, M Sreejith, TMB Nair
Journal of Earth System Science 132 (1), 32, 2023
Ocean atmosphere thermal decoupling in the eastern equatorial Indian ocean
S Joseph, M Ravichandran, BP Kumar, RV Jampana, W Han
Climate Dynamics, 2016
B. et al. TropFlux Surface wind stress over the tropical oceans: Comparisons and evaluations
P Kumar, J Vialard, M Lengaigne, VSN Murty, MJ McPhaden, MF Cronin, ...
Clim. Dyn 40, 2049-2071, 2013
Thorpe turbulence scaling in nighttime convective surface layers in the North Indian Ocean
BP Kumar, E D’Asaro, N Sureshkumar, EP Rama Rao, M Ravichandran
Journal of Physical Oceanography 51 (10), 3203-3216, 2021
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Articles 1–20