Fayadhoi Ibrahima
Cited by
Cited by
Artificial-intelligence-based, automated decline curve analysis for reservoir performance management: A giant sandstone reservoir case study
A Kianinejad, R Kansao, A Maqui, R Kadlag, G Hetz, F Ibrahima, ...
Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference, D021S053R003, 2019
An efficient distribution method for nonlinear two-phase flow in highly heterogeneous multidimensional stochastic porous media
F Ibrahima, HA Tchelepi, DW Meyer
Computational Geosciences 22, 389-412, 2018
Distribution functions of saturation for stochastic nonlinear two-phase flow
F Ibrahima, DW Meyer, HA Tchelepi
Transport in porous media 109, 81-107, 2015
Analysis of travel time distributions for uncertainty propagation in channelized porous systems
O Fuks, F Ibrahima, P Tomin, HA Tchelepi
Transport in Porous Media 126, 115-137, 2019
Reduced-Physics Modeling and Optimization of Mature Waterfloods
F Ibrahima, A Maqui, AS Negreira, C Liang, F Olalotiti, O Khebzegga, ...
Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference, D031S079R003, 2017
Uncertainty propagation for compositional flow using a probability distribution method
O Fuks, F Ibrahima, P Tomin, H A Tchelepi
Transport in Porous Media 132, 113-133, 2020
Practical automated detection of remaining oil in mature fields using production and geology data
I Arslan, F Rajabi, F Ibrahima
SPE Western Regional Meeting, D041S015R001, 2019
Multipoint distribution of saturation for stochastic nonlinear two-phase transport
F Ibrahima, HA Tchelepi
SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification 5 (1), 353-377, 2017
Probability Distribution Methods for Nonlinear Transport in Heterogeneous Porous Media
F Ibrahima
Stanford University, 2016
Uncertainty Quantification of Two-phase Flow in Heterogeneous Reservoirs Using a Streamline-based Pdf Formulation
F Ibrahima, HA Tchelepi, DW Meyer
ECMOR XV - 15th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery, 2016
Detecting Peer-to-Peer Insults
B Decoster, F Ibrahima, J Yang
CS 229, 25-29, 0
Uncertainty Quantification in Energy
F Ibrahima
Physics, 0
MATH 310: Degeneracy and geometry in the simplex method
F Ibrahima
An efficient distribution method for nonlinear transport problems in highly heterogeneous stochastic porous media
F Ibrahima, D Meyer, H Tchelepi
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EPSC2016-17711, 2016
An efficient distribution method for nonlinear transport problems in stochastic porous media
F Ibrahima, H Tchelepi, DW Meyer
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2015, H41B-1288, 2015
Machine Learning in Energy
F Ibrahima
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Articles 1–16