Korbinian Schneeberger
Korbinian Schneeberger
Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich (LMU); Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research
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Cited by
The rate and molecular spectrum of spontaneous mutations in Arabidopsis thaliana
S Ossowski, K Schneeberger, JI Lucas-Lledó, N Warthmann, RM Clark, ...
science 327 (5961), 92-94, 2010
Whole-genome sequencing of multiple Arabidopsis thaliana populations
J Cao, K Schneeberger, S Ossowski, T Günther, S Bender, J Fitz, ...
Nature genetics 43 (10), 956-963, 2011
The Arabidopsis lyrata genome sequence and the basis of rapid genome size change
TT Hu, P Pattyn, EG Bakker, J Cao, JF Cheng, RM Clark, N Fahlgren, ...
Nature genetics 43 (5), 476-481, 2011
SHOREmap: simultaneous mapping and mutation identification by deep sequencing
K Schneeberger, S Ossowski, C Lanz, T Juul, AH Petersen, KL Nielsen, ...
Nature methods 6 (8), 550-551, 2009
Sequencing of natural strains of Arabidopsis thaliana with short reads
S Ossowski, K Schneeberger, RM Clark, C Lanz, N Warthmann, D Weigel
Genome research 18 (12), 2024-2033, 2008
SyRI: finding genomic rearrangements and local sequence differences from whole-genome assemblies
M Goel, H Sun, WB Jiao, K Schneeberger
Genome biology 20, 1-13, 2019
The genome of the stress-tolerant wild tomato species Solanum pennellii
A Bolger, F Scossa, ME Bolger, C Lanz, F Maumus, T Tohge, ...
Nature genetics 46 (9), 1034-1038, 2014
Comparative transcriptomics reveals patterns of selection in domesticated and wild tomato
D Koenig, JM Jiménez-Gómez, S Kimura, D Fulop, DH Chitwood, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (28), E2655-E2662, 2013
Selective epigenetic control of retrotransposition in Arabidopsis
M Mirouze, J Reinders, E Bucher, T Nishimura, K Schneeberger, ...
Nature 461 (7262), 427-430, 2009
Using next-generation sequencing to isolate mutant genes from forward genetic screens
K Schneeberger
Nature Reviews Genetics 15 (10), 662-676, 2014
Reference-guided assembly of four diverse Arabidopsis thaliana genomes
K Schneeberger, S Ossowski, F Ott, JD Klein, X Wang, C Lanz, LM Smith, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (25), 10249-10254, 2011
The genetic and epigenetic landscape of the Arabidopsis centromeres
M Naish, M Alonge, P Wlodzimierz, AJ Tock, BW Abramson, A Schmücker, ...
Science 374 (6569), eabi7489, 2021
Simultaneous alignment of short reads against multiple genomes
K Schneeberger, J Hagmann, S Ossowski, N Warthmann, S Gesing, ...
Genome biology 10, 1-12, 2009
Fast-forward genetics enabled by new sequencing technologies
K Schneeberger, D Weigel
Trends in plant science 16 (5), 282-288, 2011
The impact of third generation genomic technologies on plant genome assembly
WB Jiao, K Schneeberger
Current opinion in plant biology 36, 64-70, 2017
The genomic landscape of meiotic crossovers and gene conversions in Arabidopsis thaliana
E Wijnker, G Velikkakam James, J Ding, F Becker, JR Klasen, V Rawat, ...
Elife 2, e01426, 2013
Rice perception of symbiotic arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi requires the karrikin receptor complex
C Gutjahr, E Gobbato, J Choi, M Riemann, MG Johnston, W Summers, ...
Science 350 (6267), 1521-1524, 2015
Chromosome-level assembly of Arabidopsis thaliana Ler reveals the extent of translocation and inversion polymorphisms
L Zapata, J Ding, EM Willing, B Hartwig, D Bezdan, WB Jiao, V Patel, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (28), E4052-E4060, 2016
Genome-Wide Comparison of Nucleotide-Binding Site-Leucine-Rich Repeat-Encoding Genes in Arabidopsis
YL Guo, J Fitz, K Schneeberger, S Ossowski, J Cao, D Weigel
Plant physiology 157 (2), 757-769, 2011
Chromosome-level assemblies of multiple Arabidopsis genomes reveal hotspots of rearrangements with altered evolutionary dynamics
WB Jiao, K Schneeberger
Nature communications 11 (1), 989, 2020
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Articles 1–20