Eun Hye Kwon
Eun Hye Kwon
School of Energy and Chemical Engineering, UNIST
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Cited by
Conjugated polymer–zeolite hybrids for robust gas sensors: Effect of zeolite surface area on NO2 sensing ability
EH Kwon, H An, MB Park, M Kim, YD Park
Chemical Engineering Journal 420, 129588, 2021
Metal–organic-framework-decorated carbon nanofibers with enhanced gas sensitivity when incorporated into an organic semiconductor-based gas sensor
EH Kwon, M Kim, CY Lee, M Kim, YD Park
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 14 (8), 10637-10647, 2022
Uniform and reliable dip-coated conjugated polymers for organic transistors as obtained by solvent vapor annealing
GW Kim, EH Kwon, M Kim, YD Park
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123 (37), 23255-23263, 2019
Effect of alcohol polarity on the aggregation and film-forming behaviors of poly (3-hexylthiophene)
EH Kwon, GW Kim, M Kim, YD Park
ACS Applied Polymer Materials 2 (7), 2980-2986, 2020
Highly crystalline and uniform conjugated polymer thin films by a water-based biphasic dip-coating technique minimizing the use of halogenated solvents for transistor applications
EH Kwon, YJ Jang, GW Kim, M Kim, YD Park
RSC advances 9 (11), 6356-6362, 2019
Effect of localized UV irradiation on the crystallinity and electrical properties of dip-coated polythiophene thin films
SY Park, EH Kwon, YD Park
RSC advances 10 (56), 34130-34136, 2020
Built-in Water Capture in a Polythiophene Film Blended with Metal-Organic Frameworks
YJ Jang, YE Jung, EH Kwon, CY Lee, YD Park
Macromolecular Research 27, 421-426, 2019
Effect of Acceleration Time on the Crystal Growth and Electrical Properties in Polythiophene Thin Film during Spin Coating Process
EH Kwon, SY Park, YD Park
Polymer (Korea) 45 (3), 437-442, 2021
[기획특집: COVID-19 이후의 공업화학 기술 I] 용매 첨가제의 용해도 계수가 공액고분자의 자기조립 거동에 미치는 영향
권은혜, 이정익, 박소영, 함예은, 박영돈
Korean Industrial Chemistry News 23 (5), 21-32, 2020
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Articles 1–9