Gustavo Andrés Curutchet
Gustavo Andrés Curutchet
Bioquímico y Doctor en Ciencias Exactas
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Bio-dissolution of spent nickel–cadmium batteries using Thiobacillus ferrooxidans
C Cerruti, G Curutchet, E Donati
Journal of Biotechnology 62 (3), 209-219, 1998
Degradación ambiental y periferia urbana: un estudio transdiciplinario sobre la contaminación en la región metropolitana de Buenos Aires
G Curutchet, S Grinberg, RA Gutiérrez
Ambiente & sociedade 15, 173-194, 2012
Factors affecting chromium (VI) reduction by Thiobacillus ferrooxidans
M QuiIntana, G Curutchet, E Donati
Biochemical Engineering Journal 9 (1), 11-15, 2001
A comparison of bioleaching of covellite using pure cultures of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans and Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans or a mixed culture of Leptospirillum …
L Falco, C Pogliani, G Curutchet, E Donati
Hydrometallurgy 71 (1-2), 31-36, 2003
Bioleaching of covellite using pure and mixed cultures of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans and Thiobacillus thiooxidans
E Donati, G Curutchet, C Pogliani, P Tedesco
Process Biochemistry 31 (2), 129-134, 1996
Adsorption of crystal violet on montmorillonite (or iron modified montmorillonite) followed by degradation through Fenton or photo-Fenton type reactions
L Guz, G Curutchet, RMT Sanchez, R Candal
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 2 (4), 2344-2351, 2014
New insights on crystal violet dye adsorption on montmorillonite: Kinetics and surface complexes studies
JL Marco-Brown, L Guz, MS Olivelli, B Schampera, RMT Sánchez, ...
Chemical Engineering Journal 333, 495-504, 2018
Bacterial attachment: its role in bioleaching processes
S Porro, S Ramirez, C Reche, G Curutchet, S Alonso-Romanowski, ...
Process biochemistry 32 (7), 573-578, 1997
Effect of ion doping on CuO magnetism
RA Borzi, SJ Stewart, G Punte, RC Mercader, GA Curutchet, RD Zysler, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 87 (9), 4870-4872, 2000
Anaerobic sediment potential acidification and metal release risk assessment by chemical characterization and batch resuspension experiments
M Pía Di Nanno, G Curutchet, S Ratto
Journal of Soils and Sediments 7, 187-194, 2007
Degradation of nonylphenol ethoxylate-9 (NPE-9) by photochemical advanced oxidation technologies
L De La Fuente, T Acosta, P Babay, G Curutchet, R Candal, MI Litter
Industrial & engineering chemistry research 49 (15), 6909-6915, 2010
Effect of iron (III) and its hydrolysis products (jarosites) onThiobacillus ferrooxidans growth and on bacterial leaching
G Curutchet, C Pogliani, E Donati, P Tedesco
Biotechnology letters 14, 329-334, 1992
Uranium uptake by montmorillonite-biomass complexes
MS Olivelli, GA Curutchet, RM Torres Sánchez
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 52 (6), 2273-2279, 2013
A combined bacterial process for the reduction and immobilization of chromium
M Viera, G Curutchet, E Donati
International biodeterioration & biodegradation 52 (1), 31-34, 2003
Reduction of chromium (VI) by the indirect action of Thiobacillus thioparus
E Donati, C Oliver, G Curutchet
Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering 20, 69-73, 2003
A need for direct contact with particle surfaces in the bacterial oxidation of covellite in the absence of a chemical lixiviant
C Pogliani, G Curutchet, ER Donati, P Tedesco
Biotechnology letters 12, 1990
Direct zinc sulphide bioleaching by Thiobacillus ferrooxidans and Thiobacillus thiooxidans
M Pistorio, G Curutchet, E Donati, P Tedesco
Biotechnology letters 16, 419-424, 1994
Reduction of uranium (VI) by Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans and Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans
RM Gargarello, D Di Gregorio, H Huck, JF Niello, G Curutchet
Hydrometallurgy 104 (3-4), 529-532, 2010
Debaryomyces hansenii F39A as biosorbent for textile dye removal
F Ruscasso, B Bezus, G Garmendia, S Vero, G Curutchet, I Cavello, ...
Revista Argentina de Microbiología 53 (3), 257-265, 2021
Indirect bioleaching of covellite by Thiobacillus thiooxidans with an oxidant agent
G Curutchet, C Pogliani, E Donati
Biotechnology letters 17, 1251-1256, 1995
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Articles 1–20