Scott F. Smith
Scott F. Smith
Professor of Computer Science, The Johns Hopkins University
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Implementing mathematics
RL Constable, SF Allen, HM Bromley, WR Cleaveland, JF Cremer, ...
Prentice-Hall, 1986
A foundation for actor computation
GA Agha, IA Mason, SF Smith, CL Talcott
Journal of functional programming 7 (1), 1-72, 1997
Theoretical examination of the SN2 reaction involving chloride ion and methyl chloride in the gas phase and aqueous solution
J Chandrasekhar, SF Smith, WL Jorgensen
Journal of the American Chemical Society 107 (1), 154-163, 1985
On Binary Methods
K Bruce, L Cardelli, G Castagna, J Eifrig, GT Leavens, B Pierce, S Smith, ...
Theory and Practice of Object Systems 1 (3), 221-242, 1995
SN2 reaction profiles in the gas phase and aqueous solution
J Chandrasekhar, SF Smith, WL Jorgensen
Journal of the American Chemical Society 106 (10), 3049-3050, 1984
Sound polymorphic type inference for objects
J Eifrig, S Smith, V Trifonov
Proceedings of the tenth annual conference on Object-oriented programming …, 1995
Towards a theory of actor computation
G Agha, IA Mason, S Smith, C Talcott
CONCUR'92: Third International Conference on Concurrency Theory Stony Brook …, 1992
Subtyping constrained types
V Trifonov, S Smith
Static Analysis: Third International Symposium, SAS'96 Aachen, Germany …, 1996
Type inference for recursively constrained types and its application to OOP
J Eifrig, S Smith, V Trifonov
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 1, 132-153, 1995
Dynamic dependency monitoring to secure information flow
P Shroff, S Smith, M Thober
20th IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF'07), 203-217, 2007
Partial objects in constructive type theory
RL Constable, SF Smith
Cornell University, 1987
Ab initio study of acid-base interactions. Proton, lithium, and sodium affinities of first-and second-row bases
SF Smith, J Chandrasekhar, WL Jorgensen
The Journal of Physical Chemistry 86 (17), 3308-3318, 1982
Precise constraint-based type inference for Java
T Wang, SF Smith
European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, 99-117, 2001
History effects and verification
C Skalka, S Smith
Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems, 107-128, 2004
A variable typed logic of effects
F Honsell, IA Mason, S Smith, C Talcott
Information and computation 119 (1), 55-90, 1995
Static enforcement of security with types
C Skalka, S Smith
Proceedings of the fifth ACM SIGPLAN international conference on Functional …, 2000
From operational semantics to domain theory
IA Mason, SF Smith, CL Talcott
Information and Computation 128 (1), 26-47, 1996
A systematic approach to static access control
F Pottier, C Skalka, S Smith
Programming Languages and Systems: 10th European Symposium on Programming …, 2001
Computational foundations of basic recursive function theory
RL Constable, SF Smith
Theoretical Computer Science 121 (1-2), 89-112, 1993
Understanding, detecting and localizing partial failures in large system software
C Lou, P Huang, S Smith
17th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI …, 2020
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Articles 1–20