Jennifer Lyn Schaefer
Jennifer Lyn Schaefer
Associate Professor of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, University of Notre Dame
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Cited by
Suppression of lithium dendrite growth using cross-linked polyethylene/poly (ethylene oxide) electrolytes: a new approach for practical lithium-metal polymer batteries
R Khurana, JL Schaefer, LA Archer, GW Coates
Journal of the American Chemical Society 136 (20), 7395-7402, 2014
25th anniversary article: polymer–particle composites: phase stability and applications in electrochemical energy storage
S Srivastava, JL Schaefer, Z Yang, Z Tu, LA Archer
Advanced Materials 26 (2), 201-234, 2014
High lithium transference number electrolytes via creation of 3-dimensional, charged, nanoporous networks from dense functionalized nanoparticle composites
JL Schaefer, DA Yanga, LA Archer
Chemistry of Materials 25 (6), 834-839, 2013
Ionic-liquid-tethered nanoparticles: hybrid electrolytes
SS Moganty, J Jayaprakash, JL Nugent, J Shen, LA Archer
Wiley-Blackwell, 2010
Nanoscale organic hybrid electrolytes
JL Nugent, SS Moganty, LA Archer
Ionic liquid-nanoparticle hybrid electrolytes
Y Lu, SS Moganty, JL Schaefer, LA Archer
Journal of Materials Chemistry 22 (9), 4066-4072, 2012
Electrolytes for high-energy lithium batteries
JL Schaefer, Y Lu, SS Moganty, P Agarwal, N Jayaprakash, LA Archer
Applied Nanoscience 2, 91-109, 2012
Ionic liquid-tethered nanoparticle suspensions: a novel class of ionogels
SS Moganty, S Srivastava, Y Lu, JL Schaefer, SA Rizvi, LA Archer
Chemistry of Materials 24 (7), 1386-1392, 2012
Elemental sulfur and molybdenum disulfide composites for Li–S batteries with long cycle life and high-rate capability
PT Dirlam, J Park, AG Simmonds, K Domanik, CB Arrington, JL Schaefer, ...
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 8 (21), 13437-13448, 2016
Nanoporous hybrid electrolytes
JL Schaefer, SS Moganty, DA Yanga, LA Archer
Journal of Materials Chemistry 21 (27), 10094-10101, 2011
Polymer electrolytes for magnesium batteries: forging away from analogs of lithium polymer electrolytes and towards the rechargeable magnesium metal polymer battery
B Park, JL Schaefer
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 167 (7), 070545, 2020
Electrolyte and electrode designs for enhanced ion transport properties to enable high performance lithium batteries
B Boz, T Dev, A Salvadori, JL Schaefer
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 168 (9), 090501, 2021
Enhanced Li+ Conduction within Single-Ion Conducting Polymer Gel Electrolytes via Reduced Cation–Polymer Interaction
HO Ford, B Park, J Jiang, ME Seidler, JL Schaefer
ACS Materials Letters 2 (3), 272-279, 2020
Ion transport in solvent-free, crosslinked, single-ion conducting polymer electrolytes for post-lithium ion batteries
CT Elmore, ME Seidler, HO Ford, LC Merrill, SP Upadhyay, WF Schneider, ...
Batteries 4 (2), 28, 2018
Electrochemical Properties and Speciation in Mg(HMDS)2-Based Electrolytes for Magnesium Batteries as a Function of Ethereal Solvent Type and Temperature
LC Merrill, JL Schaefer
Langmuir 33 (37), 9426-9433, 2017
Polymer–ceramic composite electrolytes for lithium batteries: A comparison between the single-ion-conducting polymer matrix and its counterpart
LC Merrill, XC Chen, Y Zhang, HO Ford, K Lou, Y Zhang, G Yang, Y Wang, ...
ACS Applied Energy Materials 3 (9), 8871-8881, 2020
Non-solvating, side-chain polymer electrolytes as lithium single-ion conductors: synthesis and ion transport characterization
J Liu, PD Pickett, B Park, SP Upadhyay, SV Orski, JL Schaefer
Polymer Chemistry 11 (2), 461-471, 2020
Cross-linked ionomer gel separators for polysulfide shuttle mitigation in magnesium–sulfur batteries: Elucidation of structure–property relationships
HO Ford, LC Merrill, P He, SP Upadhyay, JL Schaefer
Macromolecules 51 (21), 8629-8636, 2018
Dynamics and rheology of soft colloidal glasses
YH Wen, JL Schaefer, LA Archer
ACS Macro Letters 4 (1), 119-123, 2015
Self-discharge of magnesium–sulfur batteries leads to active material loss and poor shelf life
HO Ford, ES Doyle, P He, WC Boggess, AG Oliver, T Wu, GE Sterbinsky, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 14 (2), 890-899, 2021
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Articles 1–20