Matthias Stierle
Matthias Stierle
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Conformance checking: a state-of-the-art literature review
S Dunzer, M Stierle, M Matzner, S Baier
Proceedings of the 11th international conference on subject-oriented …, 2019
Seven paradoxes of business process management in a hyper-connected world
D Beverungen, JCAM Buijs, J Becker, C Di Ciccio, WMP van der Aalst, ...
Business & Information Systems Engineering 63, 145-156, 2021
Explainable predictive business process monitoring using gated graph neural networks
M Harl, S Weinzierl, M Stierle, M Matzner
Journal of Decision Systems, 2020
A framework to evaluate the viability of robotic process automation for business process activities
C Wellmann, M Stierle, S Dunzer, M Matzner
Business Process Management: Blockchain and Robotic Process Automation Forum …, 2020
Robotic Process Automation: Hype or Hope?
J Hindel, LM Cabrera, M Stierle
WI2020, 2020
Cause vs. effect in context-sensitive prediction of business process instances
J Brunk, M Stierle, L Papke, K Revoredo, M Matzner, J Becker
Information systems 95, 101635, 2021
Bringing light into the darkness-A systematic literature review on explainable predictive business process monitoring techniques
M Stierle, J Brunk, S Weinzierl, S Zilker, M Matzner, J Becker
A next click recommender system for web-based service analytics with context-aware LSTMs
S Weinzierl, M Stierle, S Zilker, M Matzner
53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2020
A technique for determining relevance scores of process activities using graph-based neural networks
M Stierle, S Weinzierl, M Harl, M Matzner
Decision Support Systems 144, 113511, 2021
From predictive to prescriptive process monitoring: Recommending the next best actions instead of calculating the next most likely events
S Weinzierl, S Zilker, M Stierle, G Park, M Matzner
A Process Mining Software Comparison
D Viner, M Stierle, M Matzner
International Conference on Process Mining 2020, 2020
Design Principles for Comprehensible Process Discovery in Process Mining
M Stierle, S Zilker, S Dunzer, JC Tenscher, G Karagegova
European Conference of Information Systems (ECIS), 2020
Process Mining for Advanced Service Analytics–From Process Efficiency to Customer Encounter and Experience
S Zilker, E Marx, M Stierle, M Matzner
HICSS 2022, 2022
Closing the Gap between Smart Manufacturing Applications and Data Management
E Marx, M Stierle, S Weinzierl, M Matzner
WI2020, 2020
Prediction of Business Process Instances with Dynamic Bayesian Networks.
J Brunk, K Revoredo, M Stierle, M Matzner, P Delfmann, J Becker
SIMPDA, 50-54, 2018
Exploring Cause-Effect Relationships in Process Analytics-Design, Development and Evaluation of Comprehensible, Explainable and Context-Aware Techniques
M Stierle
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), 2021
The MobIS-Challenge 2019: A Report on the WI-2019-Workshop on Model-Based Compliance in Information Systems
S Baier, S Dunzer, P Fettke, C Houy, M Matzner, P Pfeiffer, JR Rehse, ...
Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures (EMISAJ) 15, 5: 1-25, 2020
AIS Electronic Library (AISeL)
M Stierle, J Brunk, S Weinzierl, S Zilker, M Matzner
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