Robert Klie
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Cited by
Covalent surface modifications and superconductivity of two-dimensional metal carbide MXenes
V Kamysbayev, AS Filatov, H Hu, X Rui, F Lagunas, D Wang, RF Klie, ...
Science 369 (6506), 979-983, 2020
Platinum monolayer electrocatalysts for O2 reduction: Pt monolayer on Pd (111) and on carbon-supported Pd nanoparticles
J Zhang, Y Mo, MB Vukmirovic, R Klie, K Sasaki, RR Adzic
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 108 (30), 10955-10964, 2004
Nanostructured transition metal dichalcogenide electrocatalysts for CO2 reduction in ionic liquid
M Asadi, K Kim, C Liu, AV Addepalli, P Abbasi, P Yasaei, P Phillips, ...
Science 353 (6298), 467-470, 2016
High‐quality black phosphorus atomic layers by liquid‐phase exfoliation
P Yasaei, B Kumar, T Foroozan, C Wang, M Asadi, D Tuschel, ...
Advanced Materials 27 (11), 1887-1892, 2015
Robust carbon dioxide reduction on molybdenum disulphide edges
M Asadi, B Kumar, A Behranginia, BA Rosen, A Baskin, N Repnin, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 4470, 2014
A lithium–oxygen battery with a long cycle life in an air-like atmosphere
M Asadi, B Sayahpour, P Abbasi, AT Ngo, K Karis, JR Jokisaari, C Liu, ...
Nature 555 (7697), 502-506, 2018
Oxidation state and lattice expansion of nanoparticles as a function of particle size
L Wu, HJ Wiesmann, AR Moodenbaugh, RF Klie, Y Zhu, DO Welch, ...
Physical Review B 69 (12), 125415, 2004
Synthesis of pure boron single-wall nanotubes
D Ciuparu, RF Klie, Y Zhu, L Pfefferle
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 108 (13), 3967-3969, 2004
Direct synthesis and chemical vapor deposition of 2D carbide and nitride MXenes
D Wang, C Zhou, AS Filatov, W Cho, F Lagunas, M Wang, ...
Science 379 (6638), 1242-1247, 2023
Mechanism of Zn Insertion into Nanostructured δ-MnO2: A Nonaqueous Rechargeable Zn Metal Battery
SD Han, S Kim, D Li, V Petkov, HD Yoo, PJ Phillips, H Wang, JJ Kim, ...
Chemistry of Materials 29 (11), 4874-4884, 2017
Enhanced current transport at grain boundaries in high-Tc superconductors
RF Klie, JP Buban, M Varela, A Franceschetti, C Jooss, Y Zhu, ...
Nature 435 (7041), 475-478, 2005
Direct observation of reversible magnesium ion intercalation into a spinel oxide host
C Kim, PJ Phillips, B Key, T Yi, D Nordlund, YS Yu, RD Bayliss, SD Han, ...
Advanced materials 27 (22), 3377-3384, 2015
Cathode based on molybdenum disulfide nanoflakes for lithium–oxygen batteries
M Asadi, B Kumar, C Liu, P Phillips, P Yasaei, A Behranginia, P Zapol, ...
ACS nano 10 (2), 2167-2175, 2016
Direct Measurement of the Low-Temperature Spin-State Transition in
RF Klie, JC Zheng, Y Zhu, M Varela, J Wu, C Leighton
Physical Review Letters 99 (4), 047203, 2007
Heterogeneous nucleation and shape transformation of multicomponent metallic nanostructures
SG Kwon, G Krylova, PJ Phillips, RF Klie, S Chattopadhyay, T Shibata, ...
Nature materials 14 (2), 215-223, 2015
Dynamically stable active sites from surface evolution of perovskite materials during the oxygen evolution reaction
PP Lopes, DY Chung, X Rui, H Zheng, H He, ...
Journal of the American chemical society 143 (7), 2741-2750, 2021
High-resolution electron microscopy and spectroscopy of ferritin in biocompatible graphene liquid cells and graphene sandwiches.
C Wang, Q Qiao, T Shokuhfar, RF Klie
Advanced materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla.) 26 (21), 3410-3414, 2014
Asynchronous Crystal Cell Expansion during Lithiation of K+-Stabilized α-MnO2
Y Yuan, A Nie, GM Odegard, R Xu, D Zhou, S Santhanagopalan, K He, ...
Nano letters 15 (5), 2998-3007, 2015
Polaron melting and ordering as key mechanisms for colossal resistance effects in manganites
C Jooss, L Wu, T Beetz, RF Klie, M Beleggia, MA Schofield, S Schramm, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (34), 13597-13602, 2007
A Long‐Cycle‐Life Lithium–CO2 Battery with Carbon Neutrality
A Ahmadiparidari, RE Warburton, L Majidi, M Asadi, A Chamaani, ...
Advanced Materials 31 (40), 1902518, 2019
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