Review of particle physics K Nakamura Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 37 (7 A), 2010 | 10045 | 2010 |
Dissipation via particle production in scalar field theories D Boyanovsky, HJ de Vega, R Holman, DS Lee, A Singh Physical Review D 51 (8), 4419, 1995 | 498 | 1995 |
Analytic and numerical study of preheating dynamics D Boyanovsky, HJ De Vega, R Holman, JFJ Salgado Physical Review D 54 (12), 7570, 1996 | 314 | 1996 |
Nonequilibrium evolution of scalar fields in FRW cosmologies D Boyanovsky, HJ De Vega, R Holman Physical Review D 49 (6), 2769, 1994 | 253 | 1994 |
Reheating and thermalization, linear vs. non-linear relaxation D Boyanovsky, M D'attanasio, HJ De Vega, R Holman, DS Lee arXiv preprint hep-ph/9507414, 1995 | 240 | 1995 |
Phase transitions in the early and present universe D Boyanovsky, HJ De Vega, DJ Schwarz Annu. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. 56 (1), 441-500, 2006 | 221 | 2006 |
Phase transitions out of equilibrium: Domain formation and growth D Boyanovsky, DS Lee, A Singh Physical Review D 48 (2), 800, 1993 | 216 | 1993 |
Can disoriented chiral condensates form? A dynamical perspective D Boyanovsky, HJ De Vega, R Holman Physical Review D 51 (2), 734, 1995 | 202 | 1995 |
Critical behavior of m-component magnets with correlated impurities D Boyanovsky, JL Cardy Physical Review B 26 (1), 154, 1982 | 202 | 1982 |
Physical realization of the parity anomaly in condensed matter physics E Fradkin, E Dagotto, D Boyanovsky Physical review letters 57 (23), 2967, 1986 | 183 | 1986 |
Scalar field dynamics in Friedmann-Robertson-Walker spacetimes D Boyanovsky, D Cormier, HJ De Vega, R Holman, A Singh, M Srednicki Physical Review D 56 (4), 1939, 1997 | 174 | 1997 |
Nonperturbative quantum dynamics of a new inflation model D Boyanovsky, D Cormier, HJ De Vega, R Holman, SP Kumar Physical Review D 57 (4), 2166, 1998 | 160* | 1998 |
Quantum corrections to slow roll inflation and new scaling of superhorizon fluctuations D Boyanovsky, HJ de Vega, NG Sanchez Nuclear Physics B 747 (1-2), 25-54, 2006 | 140 | 2006 |
Quantum rolling down out of equilibrium D Boyanovsky, HJ de Vega Physical Review D 47 (6), 2343, 1993 | 132 | 1993 |
Constraints on dark matter particles from theory, galaxy observations, and -body simulations D Boyanovsky, HJ de Vega, NG Sánchez Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 77 (4), 043518, 2008 | 122 | 2008 |
Effective field theory during inflation: Reduced density matrix and its quantum master equation D Boyanovsky Physical Review D 92 (2), 023527, 2015 | 114 | 2015 |
Quantum corrections to the inflaton potential and the power spectra from superhorizon modes and trace anomalies D Boyanovsky, HJ de Vega, NG Sanchez Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 72 (10), 103006, 2005 | 110 | 2005 |
Nonequilibrium Bose-Einstein condensates, dynamical scaling, and symmetric evolution in the large N Φ 4 theory D Boyanovsky, HJ De Vega, R Holman, J Salgado Physical Review D 59 (12), 125009, 1999 | 105 | 1999 |
Dynamical renormalization group resummation of finite temperature infrared divergences D Boyanovsky, HJ De Vega, R Holman, M Simionato Physical Review D 60 (6), 065003, 1999 | 102 | 1999 |
Clustering properties of a sterile neutrino dark matter candidate D Boyanovsky Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 78 (10), 103505, 2008 | 98 | 2008 |