Andrew Kanarek
Andrew Kanarek
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Do invasive species perform better in their new ranges?
JD Parker, ME Torchin, RA Hufbauer, NP Lemoine, C Alba, ...
Ecology 94 (5), 985-994, 2013
Indirect effects of parasites in invasions
AM Dunn, ME Torchin, MJ Hatcher, PM Kotanen, DM Blumenthal, ...
Functional Ecology 26 (6), 1262-1274, 2012
Allee effects, adaptive evolution, and invasion success
AR Kanarek, CT Webb
Evolutionary Applications 3 (2), 122-135, 2010
Using network properties to predict disease dynamics on human contact networks
GM Ames, DB George, CP Hampson, AR Kanarek, CD McBee, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 278 (1724), 3544-3550, 2011
Optimization and control of agent-based models in biology: a perspective
G An, BG Fitzpatrick, S Christley, P Federico, A Kanarek, RM Neilan, ...
Bulletin of mathematical biology 79, 63-87, 2017
A framework for predicting impacts on ecosystem services from (sub) organismal responses to chemicals
VE Forbes, CJ Salice, B Birnir, RJF Bruins, P Calow, V Ducrot, N Galic, ...
Environmental toxicology and chemistry 36 (4), 845-859, 2017
Agent-based model for Johne’s disease dynamics in a dairy herd
J Robins, S Bogen, A Francis, A Westhoek, A Kanarek, S Lenhart, S Eda
Veterinary research 46, 1-9, 2015
A framework for linking population model development with ecological risk assessment objectives
S Raimondo, M Etterson, N Pollesch, K Garber, A Kanarek, W Lehmann, ...
Integrated environmental assessment and management 14 (3), 369-380, 2018
Pop‐guide: Population modeling guidance, use, interpretation, and development for ecological risk assessment
S Raimondo, A Schmolke, N Pollesch, C Accolla, N Galic, A Moore, ...
Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 17 (4), 767-784, 2021
Allee effects, aggregation, and invasion success
AR Kanarek, CT Webb, M Barfield, RD Holt
Theoretical ecology 6, 153-164, 2013
Predicting impacts of chemicals from organisms to ecosystem service delivery: A case study of endocrine disruptor effects on trout
VE Forbes, S Railsback, C Accolla, B Birnir, RJF Bruins, V Ducrot, N Galic, ...
Science of the Total Environment 649, 949-959, 2019
Overcoming Allee effects through evolutionary, genetic, and demographic rescue
AR Kanarek, CT Webb, M Barfield, RD Holt
Journal of biological dynamics 9 (1), 15-33, 2015
Sensitivity analyses for simulating pesticide impacts on honey bee colonies
AC Kuan, G DeGrandi-Hoffman, RJ Curry, KV Garber, AR Kanarek, ...
Ecological modelling 376, 15-27, 2018
To play or not to play? That’sa resource abundance question
J Auerbach, AR Kanarek, GM Burghardt
Adaptive Behavior 23 (6), 354-361, 2015
Predicting impacts of chemicals from organisms to ecosystem service delivery: A case study of insecticide impacts on a freshwater lake
N Galic, CJ Salice, B Birnir, RJF Bruins, V Ducrot, HI Jager, A Kanarek, ...
Science of the total Environment 682, 426-436, 2019
An individual‐based model for traditional foraging behavior: Investigating effects of environmental fluctuation
AR Kanarek, RH Lamberson, JM Black
Natural Resource Modeling 21 (1), 93-116, 2008
A spatially explicit model for estimating risks of pesticide exposure to bird populations
M Etterson, N Schumaker, K Garber, S Lennartz, A Kanarek, J Connolly
PLoS One 16 (6), e0252545, 2021
The relationships among plant cover, density, seed rain, and dispersal of Bromus tectorum in high-elevation populations
AR Kanarek, RH Kao
Western North American Naturalist 71 (1), 131-136, 2011
Control of a consumer‐resource agent‐based model using partial differential equation approximation
BG Fitzpatrick, P Federico, A Kanarek, S Lenhart
Optimal Control Applications and Methods 43 (1), 178-197, 2022
An individual-based model for analyzing the evolution of traditional foraging strategies
AR Kanarek
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Articles 1–20