Sylvain Viroulet
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Cited by
Shallow water waves generated by subaerial solid landslides
S Viroulet, D Cébron, O Kimmoun, C Kharif
Geophysical Journal International 193 (2), 747-762, 2013
Tsunami generated by a granular collapse down a rough inclined plane
S Viroulet, A Sauret, O Kimmoun
Europhysics Letters 105 (3), 34004, 2014
Multiple solutions for granular flow over a smooth two-dimensional bump
S Viroulet, JL Baker, AN Edwards, CG Johnson, C Gjaltema, P Clavel, ...
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 815, 77-116, 2017
Formation of levees, troughs and elevated channels by avalanches on erodible slopes
AN Edwards, S Viroulet, BP Kokelaar, J Gray
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 823, 278-315, 2017
Granular porous landslide tsunami modelling–the 2014 Lake Askja flank collapse
M Rauter, S Viroulet, SS Gylfadóttir, W Fellin, F Løvholt
Nature communications 13 (1), 678, 2022
Granular avalanches on the Moon: Mass‐wasting conditions, processes, and features
BP Kokelaar, RS Bahia, KH Joy, S Viroulet, J Gray
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 122 (9), 1893-1925, 2017
Granular collapse into water: toward tsunami landslides
S Viroulet, A Sauret, O Kimmoun, C Kharif
Journal of visualization 16, 189-191, 2013
The kinematics of bidisperse granular roll waves
S Viroulet, JL Baker, FM Rocha, CG Johnson, BP Kokelaar, J Gray
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 848, 836-875, 2018
Experimental and theoretical study of magnetohydrodynamic ship models
D Cébron, S Viroulet, J Vidal, JP Masson, P Viroulet
PloS one 12 (6), e0178599, 2017
Retrogressive failure of a static granular layer on an inclined plane
AS Russell, CG Johnson, AN Edwards, S Viroulet, FM Rocha, J Gray
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 869, 313-340, 2019
Erosion-deposition dynamics and long distance propagation of granular avalanches
AN Edwards, S Viroulet, CG Johnson, J Gray
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 915, A9, 2021
Shedding dynamics and mass exchange by dry granular waves flowing over erodible beds
S Viroulet, AN Edwards, CG Johnson, BP Kokelaar, J Gray
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 523, 115700, 2019
Tsunami waves generated by cliff collapse: comparison between experiments and triphasic simulations
S Viroulet, A Sauret, O Kimmoun, C Kharif
Extreme Ocean Waves, 173-190, 2016
Performance and limits of a shallow-water model for landslide-generated tsunamis: from laboratory experiments to simulations of flank collapses at Montagne Pelée (Martinique)
P Poulain, AL Friant, A Mangeney, S Viroulet, E Fernandez-Nieto, ...
Geophysical Journal International 233 (2), 796-825, 2023
Nonlinear simulations of surface waves in finite depth on a linear shear current
M Francius, C Kharif, S Viroulet
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Coastal Dynamics, 649-660, 2013
Numerical simulations of granular dam break: Comparison between discrete element, Navier-Stokes, and thin-layer models
HA Martin, M Peruzzetto, S Viroulet, A Mangeney, PY Lagrée, S Popinet, ...
Physical Review E 108 (5), 054902, 2023
Modeling of impulse waves generated by a viscous collapse in water
Q Kriaa, S Viroulet, L Lacaze
Physical Review Fluids 7 (5), 054801, 2022
Simulations de tsunamis générés par glissements de terrains aériens
S Viroulet
Aix-Marseille, 2013
Physical model of landslide‐generated impulse waves: Experimental investigation of the wave‐granular flow coupling
A Darvenne, S Viroulet, L Lacaze
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 129 (9), e2024JC021145, 2024
Correction: Experimental and theoretical study of magnetohydrodynamic ship models
D Cébron, S Viroulet, J Vidal, JP Masson, P Viroulet
PLoS One 12 (10), e0186166, 2017
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Articles 1–20