Igor Peterlik
Cited by
Cited by
Sofa: A multi-model framework for interactive physical simulation
F Faure, C Duriez, H Delingette, J Allard, B Gilles, S Marchesseau, ...
Soft tissue biomechanical modeling for computer assisted surgery, 283-321, 2012
Image-guided simulation of heterogeneous tissue deformation for augmented reality during hepatic surgery
N Haouchine, J Dequidt, I Peterlik, E Kerrien, MO Berger, S Cotin
2013 IEEE international symposium on mixed and augmented reality (ISMAR …, 2013
Patient-specific biomechanical modeling for guidance during minimally-invasive hepatic surgery
R Plantefeve, I Peterlik, N Haouchine, S Cotin
Annals of biomedical engineering 44, 139-153, 2016
Sound-speed image reconstruction in sparse-aperture 3-D ultrasound transmission tomography
R Jirik, I Peterlik, N Ruiter, J Fousek, R Dapp, M Zapf, J Jan
IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control 59 …, 2012
Impact of soft tissue heterogeneity on augmented reality for liver surgery
N Haouchine, S Cotin, I Peterlik, J Dequidt, MS Lopez, E Kerrien, ...
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 21 (5), 584-597, 2014
Constraint-based haptic rendering of multirate compliant mechanisms
I Peterlik, M Nouicer, C Duriez, S Cotin, A Kheddar
IEEE Transactions on Haptics 4 (3), 175-187, 2011
Modeling and real-time simulation of a vascularized liver tissue
I Peterlík, C Duriez, S Cotin
Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2012: 15th …, 2012
Fast elastic registration of soft tissues under large deformations
I Peterlik, H Courtecuisse, R Rohling, P Abolmaesumi, C Nguan, S Cotin, ...
Medical image analysis 45, 24-40, 2018
Real-time visio-haptic interaction with static soft tissue models having geometric and material nonlinearity
I Peterlik, M Sedef, C Basdogan, L Matyska
Computers & Graphics 34 (1), 43-54, 2010
FiloGen: a model-based generator of synthetic 3-D time-lapse sequences of single motile cells with growing and branching filopodia
DV Sorokin, I Peterlik, V Ulman, D Svoboda, T Nečasová, K Morgaenko, ...
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 37 (12), 2630-2641, 2018
Preoperative trajectory planning for percutaneous procedures in deformable environments
N Hamzé, I Peterlík, S Cotin, C Essert
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 47, 16-28, 2016
Towards an accurate tracking of liver tumors for augmented reality in robotic assisted surgery
N Haouchine, J Dequidt, I Peterlik, E Kerrien, MO Berger, S Cotin
2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 4121-4126, 2014
GPU Acceleration of equations assembly in finite elements method-preliminary results
J Filipovic, I Peterlik, J Fousek
SAAHPC: Symposium on Application Accelerators in HPC, 2009
Non-rigid contour-based registration of cell nuclei in 2-D live cell microscopy images using a dynamic elasticity model
DV Sorokin, I Peterlik, M Tektonidis, K Rohr, P Matula
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 37 (1), 173-184, 2017
Distributed construction of configuration spaces for real-time haptic deformation modeling
I Peterlik, J Filipovic
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 58 (8), 3205-3212, 2009
An algorithm of state-space precomputation allowing non-linear haptic deformation modelling using finite element method
I Peterlik, L Matyska
Second Joint EuroHaptics Conference and Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for …, 2007
Atlas-based transfer of boundary conditions for biomechanical simulation
R Plantefeve, I Peterlik, H Courtecuisse, R Trivisonne, JP Radoux, S Cotin
Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2014: 17th …, 2014
Inverse deformation analysis: an experimental and numerical assessment using the FEniCS Project
A Mazier, A Bilger, AE Forte, I Peterlik, JS Hale, SPA Bordas
Engineering with Computers 38 (5), 4099-4113, 2022
Model-based identification of anatomical boundary conditions in living tissues
I Peterlik, H Courtecuisse, C Duriez, S Cotin
International Conference on information processing in computer-assisted …, 2014
Regularized image reconstruction for ultrasound attenuation transmission tomography
I Peterlik, R Jirik, N Ruiter, J Jan
Radioengineering 17 (2), 125-132, 2008
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Articles 1–20