Luc Salvo
Luc Salvo
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X-ray micro-tomography an attractive characterisation technique in materials science
L Salvo, P Cloetens, E Maire, S Zabler, JJ Blandin, JY Buffiere, W Ludwig, ...
Nuclear instruments and methods in physics research section B: Beam …, 2003
Selection strategies for materials and processes
MF Ashby, YJM Brechet, D Cebon, L Salvo
Materials & Design 25 (1), 51-67, 2004
On the Application of X‐ray Microtomography in the Field of Materials Science
E Maire, JY Buffiere, L Salvo, JJ Blandin, W Ludwig, JM Letang
Advanced Engineering Materials 3 (8), 539-546, 2001
X-ray tomography applied to the characterization of cellular materials. Related finite element modeling problems
E Maire, A Fazekas, L Salvo, R Dendievel, S Youssef, P Cloetens, ...
Composites science and technology 63 (16), 2431-2443, 2003
Advances in synchrotron radiation microtomography
J Baruchel, JY Buffiere, P Cloetens, M Di Michiel, E Ferrie, W Ludwig, ...
Scripta Materialia 55 (1), 41-46, 2006
In situ and real-time 3-D microtomography investigation of dendritic solidification in an Al–10 wt.% Cu alloy
N Limodin, L Salvo, E Boller, M Suéry, M Felberbaum, S Gailliègue, ...
Acta Materialia 57 (7), 2300-2310, 2009
Fast X-ray tomography analysis of bubble growth and foam setting during breadmaking
P Babin, G Della Valle, H Chiron, P Cloetens, J Hoszowska, P Pernot, ...
Journal of Cereal Science 43 (3), 393-397, 2006
3D imaging in material science: Application of X-ray tomography
L Salvo, M Suéry, A Marmottant, N Limodin, D Bernard
Comptes Rendus Physique 11 (9-10), 641-649, 2010
In situ study of nucleation and growth of the irregular α-Al/β-Al5FeSi eutectic by 3-D synchrotron X-ray microtomography
S Terzi, JA Taylor, YH Cho, L Salvo, M Suéry, E Boller, AK Dahle
Acta Materialia 58 (16), 5370-5380, 2010
Replication processing of highly porous materials
Y Conde, JF Despois, R Goodall, A Marmottant, L Salvo, C San Marchi, ...
Advanced Engineering Materials 8 (9), 795-803, 2006
2D and 3D Characterization of Metal Foams Using X‐ray Tomography
A Elmoutaouakkil, L Salvo, E Maire, G Peix
Advanced Engineering Materials 4 (10), 803-807, 2002
Interfacial reactions and age hardening in Al Mg Si metal matrix composites reinforced with SiC particles
L Salvo, G L'Espérance, M Suery, JG Legoux
Materials Science and Engineering: A 177 (1-2), 173-183, 1994
X-ray phase contrast microtomography for the analysis of the fibrous microstructure of SMC composites
TH Le, PJJ Dumont, L Orgéas, D Favier, L Salvo, E Boller
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 39 (1), 91-103, 2008
In situ X-ray tomography observation of inhomogeneous deformation in semi-solid aluminium alloys
S Terzi, L Salvo, M Suéry, N Limodin, J Adrien, E Maire, Y Pannier, ...
Scripta Materialia 61 (5), 449-452, 2009
Effect of microstructural topology upon the stiffness and strength of 2D cellular structures
A Fazekas, R Dendievel, L Salvo, Y Bréchet
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 44 (10), 2047-2066, 2002
In situ investigation by X-ray tomography of the overall and local microstructural changes occurring during partial remelting of an Al–15.8 wt.% Cu alloy
N Limodin, L Salvo, M Suéry, M DiMichiel
Acta Materialia 55 (9), 3177-3191, 2007
In-situ three-dimensional microstructural investigation of solidification of an Al-Cu alloy by ultrafast x-ray microtomography
O Ludwig, M Dimichiel, LUC Salvo, M Suéry, P Falus
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 36, 1515-1523, 2005
Permeability assessment by 3D interdendritic flow simulations on microtomography mappings of Al–Cu alloys
D Bernard, Ø Nielsen, L Salvo, P Cloetens
Materials Science and Engineering: A 392 (1-2), 112-120, 2005
Spherical pore replicated microcellular aluminium: Processing and influence on properties
R Goodall, A Marmottant, L Salvo, A Mortensen
Materials Science and Engineering: A 465 (1-2), 124-135, 2007
X-ray tomography study of the cellular structure of extruded starches and its relations with expansion phenomenon and foam mechanical properties
P Babin, G Della Valle, R Dendievel, D Lourdin, L Salvo
Carbohydrate polymers 68 (2), 329-340, 2007
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Articles 1–20