Ari Harju
Ari Harju
Varian Medical Systems Finland
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Ultra-narrow metallic armchair graphene nanoribbons
A Kimouche, MM Ervasti, R Drost, S Halonen, A Harju, PM Joensuu, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 10177, 2015
Topological states in engineered atomic lattices
R Drost, T Ojanen, A Harju, P Liljeroth
Nature Physics 13 (7), 668-671, 2017
Force and heat current formulas for many-body potentials in molecular dynamics simulations with applications to thermal conductivity calculations
Z Fan, LFC Pereira, HQ Wang, JC Zheng, D Donadio, A Harju
Physical Review B 92 (9), 094301, 2015
Calculation of positron states and annihilation in solids: A density-gradient-correction scheme
B Barbiellini, MJ Puska, T Korhonen, A Harju, T Torsti, RM Nieminen
Physical Review B 53 (24), 16201, 1996
Band geometry, Berry curvature, and superfluid weight
L Liang, TI Vanhala, S Peotta, T Siro, A Harju, P Törmä
Physical Review B 95 (2), 024515, 2017
Suppression of electron–vibron coupling in graphene nanoribbons contacted via a single atom
J Van Der Lit, MP Boneschanscher, D Vanmaekelbergh, M Ijäs, A Uppstu, ...
Nature communications 4 (1), 2023, 2013
Efficient molecular dynamics simulations with many-body potentials on graphics processing units
Z Fan, W Chen, V Vierimaa, A Harju
Computer Physics Communications 218, 10-16, 2017
Generalized tight-binding transport model for graphene nanoribbon-based systems
Y Hancock, A Uppstu, K Saloriutta, A Harju, MJ Puska
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (24), 245402, 2010
Thermal conductivity decomposition in two-dimensional materials: Application to graphene
Z Fan, LFC Pereira, P Hirvonen, MM Ervasti, KR Elder, D Donadio, ...
Physical Review B 95 (14), 144309, 2017
Molecular Self-Assembly on Graphene on SiO2 and h-BN Substrates
P Jarvinen, SK Hamalainen, K Banerjee, P Hakkinen, M Ijas, A Harju, ...
Nano letters 13 (7), 3199-3204, 2013
Homogeneous nonequilibrium molecular dynamics method for heat transport and spectral decomposition with many-body potentials
Z Fan, H Dong, A Harju, T Ala-Nissila
Physical Review B 99 (6), 064308, 2019
Quantum-confined electronic states in atomically well-defined graphene nanostructures
SK Hämäläinen, Z Sun, MP Boneschanscher, A Uppstu, M Ijäs, A Harju, ...
Physical Review Letters 107 (23), 236803, 2011
High-temperature surface superconductivity in rhombohedral graphite
NB Kopnin, M Ijäs, A Harju, TT Heikkilä
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (14), 140503, 2013
Electronic structure of rectangular quantum dots
E Räsänen, H Saarikoski, VN Stavrou, A Harju, MJ Puska, RM Nieminen
Physical Review B 67 (23), 235307, 2003
Vortices in quantum droplets: Analogies between boson and fermion systems
H Saarikoski, SM Reimann, A Harju, M Manninen
Reviews of Modern Physics 82 (3), 2785-2834, 2010
Two-electron quantum dot molecule: Composite particles and the spin phase diagram
A Harju, S Siljamäki, RM Nieminen
Physical review letters 88 (22), 226804, 2002
Orbital-free density functional theory implementation with the projector augmented-wave method
J Lehtomäki, I Makkonen, MA Caro, A Harju, O Lopez-Acevedo
The Journal of Chemical Physics 141 (23), 2014
Linear scaling quantum transport methodologies
Z Fan, JH Garcia, AW Cummings, JE Barrios-Vargas, M Panhans, A Harju, ...
Physics Reports 903, 1-69, 2021
Topological phase transitions in the repulsively interacting Haldane-Hubbard model
TI Vanhala, T Siro, L Liang, M Troyer, A Harju, P Törmä
Physical review letters 116 (22), 225305, 2016
Amorphized graphene: a stiff material with low thermal conductivity
B Mortazavi, Z Fan, LFC Pereira, A Harju, T Rabczuk
Carbon 103, 318-326, 2016
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Articles 1–20