Ling Zhu
Ling Zhu
Northeastern University
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Cited by
Numerical modeling of surface waves over submerged flexible vegetation
L Zhu, Q Chen
Journal of Engineering Mechanics 141 (8), A4015001, 2015
Field Observations of Wind Waves in Upper Delaware Bay with Living Shorelines
L Zhu, Q Chen, H Wang, W Capurso, L Niemoczynski, K Hu, G Snedden
Estuaries and Coasts, 2020
Characteristics of the wave loads on coastal low-lying twin-deck bridges
G Xu, Q Chen, L Zhu, A Chakrabarti
Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities 32 (1), 04017132, 2018
Integration of data-driven and physics-based modeling of wind waves in a shallow estuary
N Wang, Q Chen, L Zhu, H Sun
Ocean Modelling 172, 101978, 2022
Data-driven modeling of wind waves in upper Delaware Bay with living shorelines
N Wang, Q Chen, L Zhu, H Wang
Ocean Engineering 257, 111669, 2022
Attenuation of nonlinear waves by rigid vegetation: Comparison of different wave theories
L Zhu, Q Chen
Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering 143 (5), 04017029, 2017
Optimization of non-hydrostatic Euler model for water waves
L Zhu, Q Chen, X Wan
Coastal engineering 91, 191-199, 2014
Towards a unified drag coefficient formula for quantifying wave energy reduction by salt marshes
L Zhu, Q Chen, Y Ding, N Jafari, H Wang, BD Johnson
Coastal Engineering 180, 104256, 2023
Assessment of wave attenuation, current patterns, and sediment deposition and erosion during winter storms by living shoreline structures in Gandys Beach, New Jersey
H Wang, WD Capurso, Q Chen, L Zhu, LM Niemoczynski, G Snedden
Open-File Report, 2021
Semianalytical Model of Depth-Integrated Vegetal Drag Force Based on Stokes Second-Order Wave Theory
L Zhu, Q Chen, Y Ding, N Jafari, JD Rosati
Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, Ocean Engineering 145 (2), 04018041, 2019
Assessing Wave Attenuation With Rising Sea Levels for Sustainable Oyster Reef-Based Living Shorelines
R Salatin, H Wang, Q Chen, L Zhu
Frontiers in Built Environment 8, 2022
A study of the interaction between depression internal solitary waves and submerged floating tunnels in stratified fluids
X Chen, G Xu, Z Chen, L Zhu, S Cai
Applied Ocean Research 132, 103455, 2023
Impacts of coastal infrastructure on shoreline response to major hurricanes in southwest Louisiana
JA Cadigan, JH Bekkaye, NH Jafari, L Zhu, AR Booth, Q Chen, ...
Frontiers in Built Environment 8, 885215, 2022
Phase-averaged drag force of nonlinear waves over submerged and through emergent vegetation
L Zhu, Q Chen
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 2019
Modeling effects of vegetation on setup and runup of random waves
L Zhu, QJ Chen, N Jafari, JD Rosati, Y Ding
Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 8-8, 2018
Effects of triad interactions on wave attenuation by vegetation
L Zhu, Q Chen
Journal of Engineering Mechanics 143 (9), 04017100, 2017
Modeling surface wave dynamics in upper Delaware Bay with living shorelines
L Zhu, Q Chen, H Wang, N Wang, K Hu, W Capurso, L Niemoczynski, ...
Ocean Engineering 284, 115207, 2023
Near‐continuous monitoring of a coastal salt marsh margin: Implications for predicting marsh edge erosion
JA Cadigan, NH Jafari, N Wang, Q Chen, L Zhu, BD Harris, Y Ding
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 48 (7), 1362-1373, 2023
Implementation of flexible vegetation into CSHORE for modeling wave attenuation
Y Ding, JD Rosati, BD Johnson, QJ Chen, L Zhu
Engineer Research and Development Center (US), 2022
Modeling wave attenuation and runup in wetland and vegetated coast
Y Ding, JD Rosati, L Zhu, Q Chen
World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2019, 426-436, 2019
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Articles 1–20