Paulo Sergio Soares Guimaraes
Paulo Sergio Soares Guimaraes
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All-optical control of the quantum flow of a polariton condensate
D Sanvitto, S Pigeon, A Amo, D Ballarini, M De Giorgi, I Carusotto, R Hivet, ...
Nature photonics 5 (10), 610-614, 2011
Photon-mediated sequential resonant tunneling in intense terahertz electric fields
PSS Guimaraes, BJ Keay, JP Kaminski, SJ Allen Jr, PF Hopkins, ...
Physical review letters 70 (24), 3792, 1993
Temperature effects on the vibronic spectra of BEH–PPV conjugated polymer films
FAC Oliveira, LA Cury, A Righi, RL Moreira, PSS Guimaraes, ...
The Journal of chemical physics 119 (18), 9777-9782, 2003
Control of polarized single quantum dot emission in high-quality-factor microcavity pillars
A Daraei, A Tahraoui, D Sanvitto, JA Timpson, PW Fry, M Hopkinson, ...
Applied physics letters 88 (5), 2006
High-Field Resonant Magnetotransport Measurements in Small n+ n n+ GaAs Structures: Evidence for Electric-Field-Induced Elastic Inter-Landau-Level Scattering
L Eaves, PSS Guimaraes, JC Portal, TP Pearsall, G Hill
Physical review letters 53 (6), 608, 1984
High Q modes in elliptical microcavity pillars
DM Whittaker, PSS Guimaraes, D Sanvitto, H Vinck, S Lam, A Daraei, ...
Applied physics letters 90 (16), 2007
Identification of the optically active vibrational modes in the photoluminescence of MEH-PPV films
MAT Da Silva, IFL Dias, JL Duarte, E Laureto, I Silvestre, LA Cury, ...
The Journal of chemical physics 128 (9), 2008
Photonic crystal integrated logic gates and circuits
LP Caballero, ML Povinelli, JC Ramirez, PSS Guimarães, OP Vilela Neto
Optics express 30 (2), 1976-1993, 2022
Hot-electron magnetophonon spectroscopy on micron-and sub-micron-size n+ nn+ GaAs structures
L Eaves, PSS Guimaraes, JC Portal
Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics 17 (34), 6177, 1984
Robust nanofabrication of monolayer MoS2 islands with strong photoluminescence enhancement via local anodic oxidation
TFD Fernandes, A De C Gadelha, APM Barboza, RM Paniago, ...
2D Materials 5 (2), 025018, 2018
BEHP-PPV and P3HT blends for light emitting devices
M Valadares, I Silvestre, HDR Calado, BRA Neves, PSS Guimarães, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: C 29 (2), 571-574, 2009
The effect of potential fluctuations on the optical properties of InGaAs∕ InAlAs superlattices
LC Pocas, EM Lopes, JL Duarte, IFL Dias, SA Lourenco, E Laureto, ...
Journal of applied physics 97 (10), 2005
Quantum dot structures grown on Al containing quaternary material for infrared photodetection beyond 10μm
PL Souza, AJ Lopes, T Gebhard, K Unterrainer, MP Pires, JM Villas-Boas, ...
Applied physics letters 90 (17), 2007
Single photon sources based upon single quantum dots in semiconductor microcavity pillars
JA Timpson, D Sanvitto, A Daraei, PSS Guimaraes, H Vinck, S Lam, ...
Journal of Modern Optics 54 (2-3), 453-465, 2007
Control of polarization and mode mapping of small volume high Q micropillars
A Daraei, D Sanvitto, JA Timpson, AM Fox, DM Whittaker, MS Skolnick, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 102 (4), 2007
Tunneling and magneto-tunnelling effects in n+ GaAs/(AlGa) As/n-GaAs/n+ GaAs devices
PSS Guimaraes, DC Taylor, BR Snell, L Eaves, KE Singer, G Hill, ...
Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics 18 (20), L605, 1985
Effect of Structural Disorder on Photonic Crystal Logic Gates
LEP Caballero, JPV Cano, PSS Guimaraes, OPV Neto
IEEE PHOTONICS JOURNAL 9 (5), 7204215, 2017
All-optical majority and Feynman gates in photonic crystals
LEP Caballero, JP Vasco, PSS Guimaraes, OPV Neto
2015 30th Symposium on Microelectronics Technology and Devices (SBMicro), 1-4, 2015
Photon emission as a source of coherent behavior of polaritons
H Vinck-Posada, BA Rodriguez, PSS Guimaraes, A Cabo, A Gonzalez
Physical review letters 98 (16), 167405, 2007
Resonantly enhanced photon-assisted tunneling in a multiple-quantum-well superlattice
GS Vieira, SJ Allen, PSS Guimarães, KL Campman, AC Gossard
Physical Review B 58 (11), 7136, 1998
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Articles 1–20