Jörn Altmann
Jörn Altmann
Technology Management, Economics, and Policy; College of Engineering; Seoul National University
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Identifying the effects of co-authorship networks on the performance of scholars: A correlation and regression analysis of performance measures and social network analysis measures
A Abbasi, J Altmann, L Hossain
Journal of Informetrics 5 (4), 594-607, 2011
Social commerce development in emerging markets
O Gibreel, DA AlOtaibi, J Altmann
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 27, 152-162, 2018
A Review of Renewable Energy Supply and Energy Efficiency Technologies
S Abolhosseini, A Heshmati, J Altmann
IZA Discussion Paper, 2014
On the correlation between research performance and social network analysis measures applied to research collaboration networks
A Abbasi, J Altmann
System Sciences (HICSS), 2011 44th Hawaii International Conference on, 1-10, 2011
Cost model based service placement in federated hybrid clouds
J Altmann, MM Kashef
Future Generation Computer Systems 41, 79-90, 2014
How to charge for network services–flat-rate or usage-based?
J Altmann, K Chu
Computer Networks 36 (5-6), 519-531, 2001
Cloud Computing Value Chains: Understanding Businesses and Value Creation in the Cloud
AB Mohammed, J Altmann, J Hwang
Economic Models and Algorithms for Distributed Systems, 187-208, 2010
Evaluating scholars based on their academic collaboration activities: two indices, the RC-index and the CC-index, for quantifying collaboration activities of researchers and …
A Abbasi, J Altmann, J Hwang
Scientometrics 83 (1), 1-13, 2010
Cost–benefit analysis of an SLA mapping approach for defining standardized Cloud computing goods
M Maurer, VC Emeakaroha, I Brandic, J Altmann
Future Generation Computer Systems 28 (1), 39-47, 2012
Impact of pricing schemes on a market for Software-as-a-Service and perpetual software
J Rohitratana, J Altmann
Future Generation Computer Systems 28 (8), 1328-1339, 2012
Value creation in software service platforms
N Haile, J Altmann
Future Generation Computer Systems 55, 495-509, 2016
Effect of homophily on network formation
K Kim, J Altmann
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 44, 482-494, 2017
GridEcon: A market place for computing resources
J Altmann, C Courcoubetis, GD Stamoulis, M Dramitinos, T Rayna, ...
GECON, International Workshop on Grid Economics and Business Models, 185-196, 2008
Taxonomy of grid business models
J Altmann, M Ion, A Bany Mohammed
GECON, International Workshop on Grid Economics and Business Models, 29-43, 2007
Structural analysis of value creation in software service platforms
N Haile, J Altmann
Electronic Markets 26 (2), 129-142, 2016
How to market-manage a QoS network
J Altmann, H Daanen, H Oliver, ASB Suarez
INFOCOM 2002. Twenty-First Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and …, 2002
A proposal for a flexible service plan that is attractive to users and internet service providers
J Altmann, K Chu
Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM 2001. Conference on Computer Communications …, 2001
The structural evolution of the Web 2.0 service network
J Hwang, J Altmann, K Kim
Online Information Review 33 (6), 1040-1057, 2009
Adapting Smartphones as Learning Technology in a Korean University
J Kim, L Ilon, J Altmann
Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science, 2013
A cost model for hybrid clouds
MM Kashef, J Altmann
GECON, International Conference on Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems, and …, 2012
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