Carlos Bonetto
Carlos Bonetto
Instituto de Limnología "Dr. Raul A. Ringuelt", CONICET-UNLP
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Macrophyte growth in a pilot-scale constructed wetland for industrial wastewater treatment
HR Hadad, MA Maine, CA Bonetto
Chemosphere 63 (10), 1744-1753, 2006
Assessment of insecticide contamination in runoff and stream water of small agricultural streams in the main soybean area of Argentina
S Jergentz, H Mugni, C Bonetto, R Schulz
Chemosphere 61 (6), 817-826, 2005
New evidences of Roundup® (glyphosate formulation) impact on the periphyton community and the water quality of freshwater ecosystems
MS Vera, L Lagomarsino, M Sylvester, GL Pérez, P Rodríguez, H Mugni, ...
Ecotoxicology 19, 710-721, 2010
Nutrient and metal removal in a constructed wetland for wastewater treatment from a metallurgic industry
MA Maine, N Sune, H Hadad, G Sánchez, C Bonetto
ecological engineering 26 (4), 341-347, 2006
Effects of the herbicide Roundup on freshwater microbial communities: a mesocosm study
GL Pérez, A Torremorell, H Mugni, P Rodríguez, MS Vera, M Nascimento, ...
Ecological Applications 17 (8), 2310-2322, 2007
Influence of vegetation on the removal of heavy metals and nutrients in a constructed wetland
MA Maine, N Suñe, H Hadad, G Sánchez, C Bonetto
Journal of environmental management 90 (1), 355-363, 2009
Removal efficiency of a constructed wetland for wastewater treatment according to vegetation dominance
MA Maine, N Sune, H Hadad, G Sánchez, C Bonetto
Chemosphere 68 (6), 1105-1113, 2007
Impact of cypermethrin on stream fish populations under field-use in biotech-soybean production
P Carriquiriborde, J Díaz, H Mugni, C Bonetto, AE Ronco
Chemosphere 68 (4), 613-621, 2007
Runoff-related endosulfan contamination and aquatic macroinvertebrate response in rural basins near Buenos Aires, Argentina
S Jergentz, H Mugni, C Bonetto, R Schulz
Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 46, 345-352, 2004
Linking in situ bioassays and population dynamics of macroinvertebrates to assess agricultural contamination in streams of the Argentine pampa
S Jergentz, P Pessacq, H Mugni, C Bonetto, R Schulz
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 59 (2), 133-141, 2004
Insecticide toxicity to Hyalella curvispina in runoff and stream water within a soybean farm (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
H Mugni, A Ronco, C Bonetto
Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 74 (3), 350-354, 2011
Insecticide concentrations in stream sediments of soy production regions of South America
L Hunt, C Bonetto, VH Resh, DF Buss, S Fanelli, N Marrochi, MJ Lydy
Science of the Total Environment 547, 114-124, 2016
Pesticides in the real world: The consequences of GMO-based intensive agriculture on native amphibians
MG Agostini, I Roesler, C Bonetto, AE Ronco, D Bilenca
Biological Conservation 241, 108355, 2020
Abnormalities in amphibian populations inhabiting agroecosystems in northeastern Buenos Aires Province, Argentina
MG Agostini, F Kacoliris, P Demetrio, GS Natale, C Bonetto, AE Ronco
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 104 (2), 163-171, 2013
Metal retention and distribution in the sediment of a constructed wetland for industrial wastewater treatment
GA Di Luca, MA Maine, MM Mufarrege, HR Hadad, GC Sánchez, ...
Ecological Engineering 37 (9), 1267-1275, 2011
Litter decomposition of emergent macrophytes in a floodplain marsh of the Lower Paraná River
CA Villar, L De Cabo, P Vaithiyanathan, C Bonetto
Aquatic Botany 70 (2), 105-116, 2001
Integrated approach for the assessment of biotech soybean pesticides impact on low order stream ecosystems of the Pampasic Region
AE Ronco, P Carriquiriborde, GS Natale, ML Martin, H Mugni, C Bonetto
Ecosystem ecology research, 209-239, 2008
Factors influencing biomass and nutrient content of the submersed macrophyte Egeria densa Planch. in a pampasic stream
CS Feijoó, FR Momo, CA Bonetto, NM Tur
Hydrobiologia 341, 21-26, 1996
Nutrient dynamics in the deltaic floodplain of the Lower Paraná River
C Bonetto, L De Cabo, N Gabellone, A Vinocur, J Donadelli, F Unrein
Archiv Fur Hydrobiologie 131, 277-277, 1994
Species at Risk (SPEAR) index indicates effects of insecticides on stream invertebrate communities in soy production regions of the Argentine Pampas
L Hunt, C Bonetto, N Marrochi, A Scalise, S Fanelli, M Liess, MJ Lydy, ...
Science of the Total Environment 580, 699-709, 2017
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Articles 1–20