Refraction, aliasing, and the absence of motion reversals in peripheral vision P Artal, AM Derrington, E Colombo Vision research 35 (7), 939-947, 1995 | 120 | 1995 |
Simple reaction times to chromatic stimuli: Luminance and chromatic contrast BM O'Donell, EM Colombo Lighting Research & Technology 40 (4), 359-371, 2008 | 84 | 2008 |
CIE equations for disability glare J Vos, B Cole, HW Bodmann, E Colombo, T Takeuchi, T Van Den Berg CIE TC Report CIE 146 (2002), 27, 2002 | 50 | 2002 |
A global evaluation of discomfort glare metrics in real office spaces with presence of direct sunlight JAY Garretón, EM Colombo, AE Pattini Energy and Buildings 166, 145-153, 2018 | 48 | 2018 |
Visual calibration of CRT monitors E Colombo, A Derrington Displays 22 (3), 87-95, 2001 | 32 | 2001 |
The effect of chromatic and luminance information on reaction times BM O’DONELL, JF Barraza, EM Colombo Visual neuroscience 27 (3-4), 119-129, 2010 | 31 | 2010 |
Office workers visual performance and temporal modulation of fluorescent lighting M Jaen, J Sandoval, E Colombo, T Troscianko Leukos 1 (4), 27-46, 2005 | 30 | 2005 |
Straylight and visual quality on early nuclear and posterior subcapsular cataracts C Paz Filgueira, RF Sánchez, LA Issolio, EM Colombo Current Eye Research 41 (9), 1209-1215, 2016 | 28 | 2016 |
A simple visual task to assess flicker effects on visual performance EM Jaén, EM Colombo, CF Kirschbaum Lighting Research & Technology 43 (4), 457-471, 2011 | 28 | 2011 |
Effect of brief exposure to glare on brightness perception in the scotopic-mesopic range E Colombo, J Barraza, L Issolio International Journal of Lighting Research and Technology 32 (2), 65-69, 2000 | 26 | 2000 |
What characteristics a clinical CSF system has to have? EM Colombo, LA Issolio, JE Santillán, RC Aguirre Wroclaw University of Technology, 2009 | 24 | 2009 |
Pupil light reflex produced by glare under mesopic adaptation E Colombo, SA Comastri, L Issolio, R Echarri Journal of Light & Visual Environment 31 (2), 70-79, 2007 | 21 | 2007 |
Comparison between an objective and a psychophysical method for the evaluation of intraocular light scattering PA Barrionuevo, EM Colombo, M Vilaseca, J Pujol, LA Issolio JOSA A 29 (7), 1293-1299, 2012 | 19 | 2012 |
Colour information improves relative visual performance BM O’Donell, EM Colombo, PR Boyce Lighting Research & Technology 43 (4), 423-438, 2011 | 19 | 2011 |
Effect of glare on simple reaction time RC Aguirre, EM Colombo, JF Barraza JOSA A 25 (7), 1790-1798, 2008 | 19 | 2008 |
Brightness for different surround conditions: The effect of transient glare L Issolio, EM Colombo Perception & psychophysics 68, 702-709, 2006 | 17 | 2006 |
Time course of brightness under transient glare condition LA Issolio, JF Barraza, EM Colombo JOSA A 23 (2), 233-238, 2006 | 17 | 2006 |
Effect of glare on reaction time for peripheral vision at mesopic adaptation RC Aguirre, EM Colombo, JF Barraza JOSA A 28 (10), 2187-2191, 2011 | 13 | 2011 |
Intra-specific pelage color variation in a South American small rodent species ML Sandoval Salinas, RM Barquez, EM Colombo, JD Sandoval Brazilian Journal of Biology 77, 01-11, 2016 | 12 | 2016 |
Discrimination between surgical and nonsurgical nuclear cataracts based on ROC analysis CP Filgueira, RF Sánchez, EM Colombo, M Vilaseca, J Pujol, LA Issolio Current eye research 39 (12), 1187-1193, 2014 | 12 | 2014 |