Andrew V. Martin
Andrew V. Martin
School of Science, RMIT University
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Femtosecond X-ray protein nanocrystallography
HN Chapman, P Fromme, A Barty, TA White, RA Kirian, A Aquila, ...
Nature 470 (7332), 73-77, 2011
Single mimivirus particles intercepted and imaged with an X-ray laser
MM Seibert, T Ekeberg, FRNC Maia, M Svenda, J Andreasson, O Jönsson, ...
Nature 470 (7332), 78-81, 2011
High-resolution protein structure determination by serial femtosecond crystallography
S Boutet, L Lomb, GJ Williams, TRM Barends, A Aquila, RB Doak, ...
Science 337 (6092), 362-364, 2012
CrystFEL: a software suite for snapshot serial crystallography
TA White, RA Kirian, AV Martin, A Aquila, K Nass, A Barty, HN Chapman
Journal of applied crystallography 45 (2), 335-341, 2012
Natively inhibited Trypanosoma brucei cathepsin B structure determined by using an X-ray laser
L Redecke, K Nass, DP DePonte, TA White, D Rehders, A Barty, F Stellato, ...
Science 339 (6116), 227-230, 2013
Serial time-resolved crystallography of photosystem II using a femtosecond X-ray laser
C Kupitz, S Basu, I Grotjohann, R Fromme, NA Zatsepin, KN Rendek, ...
Nature 513 (7517), 261-265, 2014
Ultrafast X-ray probing of water structure below the homogeneous ice nucleation temperature
JA Sellberg, C Huang, TA McQueen, ND Loh, H Laksmono, ...
Nature 510 (7505), 381-384, 2014
Self-terminating diffraction gates femtosecond X-ray nanocrystallography measurements
A Barty, C Caleman, A Aquila, N Timneanu, L Lomb, TA White, ...
Nature photonics 6 (1), 35-40, 2012
Three-dimensional reconstruction of the giant mimivirus particle with an x-ray free-electron laser
T Ekeberg, M Svenda, C Abergel, FRNC Maia, V Seltzer, JM Claverie, ...
Physical review letters 114 (9), 098102, 2015
X-ray diffraction from isolated and strongly aligned gas-phase molecules with a free-electron laser
J Küpper, S Stern, L Holmegaard, F Filsinger, A Rouzée, A Rudenko, ...
Physical Review Letters 112 (8), 083002, 2014
Time-resolved protein nanocrystallography using an X-ray free-electron laser
A Aquila, MS Hunter, RB Doak, RA Kirian, P Fromme, TA White, ...
Optics express 20 (3), 2706-2716, 2012
Fractal morphology, imaging and mass spectrometry of single aerosol particles in flight
ND Loh, CY Hampton, AV Martin, D Starodub, RG Sierra, A Barty, ...
Nature 486 (7404), 513-517, 2012
In vivo protein crystallization opens new routes in structural biology
R Koopmann, K Cupelli, L Redecke, K Nass, DP DePonte, TA White, ...
Nature methods 9 (3), 259-262, 2012
Visualizing a protein quake with time-resolved X-ray scattering at a free-electron laser
D Arnlund, LC Johansson, C Wickstrand, A Barty, GJ Williams, ...
Nature methods 11 (9), 923-926, 2014
Radiation damage in protein serial femtosecond crystallography using an x-ray free-electron laser
L Lomb, TRM Barends, S Kassemeyer, A Aquila, SW Epp, B Erk, L Foucar, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (21), 214111, 2011
Imaging single cells in a beam of live cyanobacteria with an X-ray laser
G Van Der Schot, M Svenda, FRNC Maia, M Hantke, DP DePonte, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 5704, 2015
High-throughput imaging of heterogeneous cell organelles with an X-ray laser
MF Hantke, D Hasse, FRNC Maia, T Ekeberg, K John, M Svenda, ND Loh, ...
Nature Photonics 8 (12), 943-949, 2014
Structure-factor analysis of femtosecond microdiffraction patterns from protein nanocrystals
RA Kirian, TA White, JM Holton, HN Chapman, P Fromme, A Barty, ...
Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations of Crystallography 67 (2), 131-140, 2011
Lipidic phase membrane protein serial femtosecond crystallography
LC Johansson, D Arnlund, TA White, G Katona, DP DePonte, U Weierstall, ...
Nature methods 9 (3), 263-265, 2012
Quantum mechanical model for phonon excitation in electron diffraction and imaging using a Born-Oppenheimer approximation
BD Forbes, AV Martin, SD Findlay, AJ D’Alfonso, LJ Allen
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 82 (10), 104103, 2010
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Artículos 1–20