Hossein Kaydani
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Cited by
Permeability estimation in heterogeneous oil reservoirs by multi-gene genetic programming algorithm
H Kaydani, A Mohebbi, M Eftekhari
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 123, 201-206, 2014
Permeability prediction based on reservoir zonation by a hybrid neural genetic algorithm in one of the Iranian heterogeneous oil reservoirs
H Kaydani, A Mohebbi, A Baghaie
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 78 (2), 497-504, 2011
A new correlation for calculating carbon dioxide minimum miscibility pressure based on multi-gene genetic programming
H Kaydani, M Najafzadeh, A Hajizadeh
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 21, 625-630, 2014
A comparison study of using optimization algorithms and artificial neural networks for predicting permeability
H Kaydani, A Mohebbi
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 112, 17-23, 2013
Neural fuzzy system development for the prediction of permeability from wireline data based on fuzzy clustering
H Kaydani, A Mohebbi, A Baghaie
Petroleum Science and Technology 30 (19), 2036-2045, 2012
Dew point pressure model for gas condensate reservoirs based on multi-gene genetic programming approach
H Kaydani, A Mohebbi, A Hajizadeh
Applied Soft Computing 47, 168-178, 2016
Wellhead choke performance in oil well pipeline systems based on genetic programming
H Kaydani, M Najafzadeh, A Mohebbi
Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice 5 (3), 06014001, 2014
Permeability estimation in petroleum reservoir by meta-heuristics: An overview
A Mohebbi, H Kaydani
Artificial intelligent approaches in petroleum geosciences, 257-273, 2024
A dew point pressure model for gas condensate reservoirs based on an artificial neural network
H Kaydani, A Hagizadeh, A Mohebbi
Petroleum science and technology 31 (12), 1228-1237, 2013
Experimental and numerical study of the onset of transient natural convection in a fractured porous medium
H Kaydani, A Mohebbi
Transport in Porous Media 116 (2), 923-939, 2017
Computational fluid dynamics simulation of two-dimensional natural convection in a fractured porous medium
H Kaydani, A Mohebbi
Heat Transfer Engineering 38 (18), 1606-1615, 2017
Evaluation and Comparison of Sulfate Anions Removal from Artificial and Industrial Wastewaters by Nanofiltration Process in a Laboratory Scale
A Hangi, A Mohebbi, M Mirzaei, H Kaydani
Journal of Membrane and Separation Technology 4 (2), 40-52, 2015
A New Correlation Based on Multi-Gene Genetic Programming for Predicting the Sweet Natural Gas Compressibility Factor
H Kaydani, A Mohebbi, MH Saffaripour
Gas Processing Journal 3 (1), 41-50, 2015
Developing a formula based on a hybrid neural genetic algorithm for the prediction of minimum miscibility pressure
H Kaydani, A Mohebbi, A Hajizadeh, J Dakhelpour
Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects 36 …, 2014
Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of Natural Convection in a Fractured Petroleum Reservoir Domain: Single-Phase and Multi-Phases Investigations
H Kaydani, A Mohebbi, AA Forghani
The Open Petroleum Engineering Journal 11 (1), 2018
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Articles 1–15