María Cristina Añón
María Cristina Añón
Profesor Emérito e Investigador Superior Emérito, Facultad de Cs Exactas, Universidad Nacional de La
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Effect of emulsifier and guar gum on micro structural, rheological and baking performance of frozen bread dough
PD Ribotta, GT Perez, AE Leon, MC Anon
Food hydrocolloids 18 (2), 305-313, 2004
Effects of thermal treatment of soy protein isolate on the characteristics and structure-function relationship of soluble and insoluble fractions
DA Sorgentini, JR Wagner, MC Anon
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 43 (9), 2471-2479, 1995
Influence of reducing sugars and amino acids in the color development of fried potatoes
G Marquez, MC Anon
Journal of Food Science 51 (1), 157-160, 1986
Effects of drying conditions on some physical properties of soy protein films
G Denavi, DR Tapia-Blacido, MC Añon, PJA Sobral, AN Mauri, ...
Journal of Food Engineering 90 (3), 341-349, 2009
Peroxidase from strawberry fruit (Fragaria ananassa Duch.): partial purification and determination of some properties
PM Civello, GA Martinez, AR Chaves, MC Anon
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 43 (10), 2596-2601, 1995
Effect of freezing and frozen storage of doughs on bread quality
PD Ribotta, AE León, MC Añón
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 49 (2), 913-918, 2001
Composition and structural characterization of amaranth protein isolates. An electrophoretic and calorimetric study
EN Martínez, MC Añón
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 44 (9), 2523-2530, 1996
Structural and functional properties of soy protein isolate and cod gelatin blend films
GA Denavi, M Pérez-Mateos, MC Añón, P Montero, AN Mauri, ...
Food Hydrocolloids 23 (8), 2094-2101, 2009
Relation between solubility and surface hydrophobicity as an indicator of modifications during preparation processes of commercial and laboratory-prepared soy protein isolates
JR Wagner, DA Sorgentini, MC Añón
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 48 (8), 3159-3165, 2000
Effect of high-pressure treatment on emulsifying properties of soybean proteins
MC Puppo, F Speroni, N Chapleau, M De Lamballerie, MC Añón, M Anton
Food Hydrocolloids 19 (2), 289-296, 2005
Structural properties of heat-induced soy protein gels as affected by ionic strength and pH
MC Puppo, MC Añón
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 46 (9), 3583-3589, 1998
Electrophoretic, solubility and functional properties of commercial soy protein isolates
EL Arrese, DA Sorgentini, JR Wagner, MC Anon
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 39 (6), 1029-1032, 1991
Heat treatments delay ripening and postharvest decay of strawberry fruit
PM Civello, GA Martínez, AR Chaves, MC Añón
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 45 (12), 4589-4594, 1997
Freezing rate effects on the drip loss of frozen beef
MC Añón, A Calvelo
Meat Science 4 (1), 1-14, 1980
Effect of soybean addition on the rheological properties and breadmaking quality of wheat flour
PD Ribotta, SA Arnulphi, AE Leon, MC Añón
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 85 (11), 1889-1896, 2005
Thermal aggregation of soy protein isolates
S Petruccelli, MC Anon
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 43 (12), 3035-3041, 1995
Soy protein isolate components and their interactions
S Petruccelli, MC Anon
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 43 (7), 1762-1767, 1995
Relationship between the method of obtention and the structural and functional properties of soy proteins isolates. 1. Structural and hydration properties
S Petruccelli, MC Añón
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 42 (10), 2161-2169, 1994
Characterization and changes inpolyphenol oxidase from eggplant fruit during storage at low temperature
AR Concellon, A., Añón, M.C., Chaves
Food Chemistry 88, 17-24, 2004
Amaranth seed protein hydrolysates have in vivo and in vitro antihypertensive activity
M Fritz, B Vecchi, G Rinaldi, MC Añón
Food Chemistry 126 (3), 878-884, 2011
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