Marijn Kroes
Marijn Kroes
Assistant professor of Cognitive Neuroscience, Donders Institute, Radboud University Medical Center
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Light sleep versus slow wave sleep in memory consolidation: a question of global versus local processes?
L Genzel, MCW Kroes, M Dresler, FP Battaglia
Trends in neurosciences 37 (1), 10-19, 2014
An electroconvulsive therapy procedure impairs reconsolidation of episodic memories in humans
MCW Kroes, I Tendolkar, GA Van Wingen, JA Van Waarde, BA Strange, ...
Nature neuroscience 17 (2), 204-206, 2014
An fMRI investigation of posttraumatic flashbacks
MG Whalley, MCW Kroes, Z Huntley, MD Rugg, SW Davis, CR Brewin
Brain and cognition 81 (1), 151-159, 2013
Structural brain abnormalities common to posttraumatic stress disorder and depression
MCW Kroes, MD Rugg, MG Whalley, CR Brewin
Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience 36 (4), 256-265, 2011
β-adrenergic blockade during memory retrieval in humans evokes a sustained reduction of declarative emotional memory enhancement
MCW Kroes, BA Strange, RJ Dolan
Journal of Neuroscience 30 (11), 3959-3963, 2010
Initial investigation of the effects of an experimentally learned schema on spatial associative memory in humans
M van Buuren, MCW Kroes, IC Wagner, L Genzel, RGM Morris, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 34 (50), 16662-16670, 2014
How human amygdala and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis may drive distinct defensive responses
F Klumpers, MCW Kroes, JMP Baas, G Fernández
Journal of neuroscience 37 (40), 9645-9656, 2017
Schematic memory components converge within angular gyrus during retrieval
IC Wagner, M van Buuren, MCW Kroes, TP Gutteling, M van der Linden, ...
elife 4, e09668, 2015
Emotion causes targeted forgetting of established memories
BA Strange, MCW Kroes, JE Fan, RJ Dolan
Frontier in Behavioral Neuroscience 4, 175, 2010
Dynamic neural systems enable adaptive, flexible memories
MCW Kroes, G Fernández
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 36 (7), 1646-1666, 2012
Role of human ventromedial prefrontal cortex in learning and recall of enhanced extinction
JE Dunsmoor, MCW Kroes, J Li, ND Daw, HB Simpson, EA Phelps
Journal of Neuroscience 39 (17), 3264-3276, 2019
Threat intensity widens fear generalization gradients.
JE Dunsmoor, MCW Kroes, SH Braren, EA Phelps
Behavioral Neuroscience 131 (2), 168, 2017
Translational approaches targeting reconsolidation
MCW Kroes, D Schiller, JE LeDoux, EA Phelps
Translational neuropsychopharmacology, 197-230, 2016
Action boosts episodic memory encoding in humans via engagement of a noradrenergic system
M Yebra, A Galarza-Vallejo, V Soto-Leon, JJ Gonzalez-Rosa, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 3534, 2019
Dorsomedial prefrontal cortex mediates the impact of serotonin transporter linked polymorphic region genotype on anticipatory threat reactions
F Klumpers, MC Kroes, I Heitland, D Everaerd, SEA Akkermans, ...
Biological Psychiatry 78 (8), 582-589, 2015
Episodic memory and Pavlovian conditioning: ships passing in the night
JE Dunsmoor, MCW Kroes
Current opinion in behavioral sciences 26, 32-39, 2019
Threat learning promotes generalization of episodic memory.
F Starita, MCW Kroes, L Davachi, EA Phelps, JE Dunsmoor
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 148 (8), 1426, 2019
Event segmentation protects emotional memories from competing experiences encoded close in time
JE Dunsmoor, MCW Kroes, CM Moscatelli, MD Evans, L Davachi, ...
Nature Human Behaviour 2 (4), 291-299, 2018
Association between flashbacks and structural brain abnormalities in posttraumatic stress disorder
MCW Kroes, MG Whalley, MD Rugg, CR Brewin
European Psychiatry 26 (8), 525-531, 2011
How administration of the beta-blocker propranolol before extinction can prevent the return of fear
MCW Kroes, KD Tona, HEM den Ouden, S Vogel, GA van Wingen, ...
Neuropsychopharmacology 41 (6), 1569-1578, 2016
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Articles 1–20