Francois E. Cellier
Francois E. Cellier
Computer Science, ETH Zurich
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Continuous system modeling
FE Cellier, J Greifeneder
Springer Science & Business Media, 2013
Continuous system simulation
FE Cellier, E Kofman
Springer Science & Business Media, 2006
Object-oriented modeling of hybrid systems
H Elmqvist, FE Cellier, M Otter
Proc. 1993 European Simulation Symposium, xxxi-xli, 1993
Automated formula manipulation supports object-oriented continuous-system modeling
FE Cellier, H Elmqvist
IEEE Control Systems Magazine 13 (2), 28-38, 1993
Combined continuous/discrete system simulation by use of digital computers: techniques and tools
FE Cellier
ETH Zurich, 1979
Modeling of multibody systems with the object-oriented modeling language Dymola
M Otter, H Elmqvist, FE Cellier
Nonlinear Dynamics 9, 91-112, 1996
Modeling from physical principles
FE Cellier, H Elmqvist, M Otter
The Control Handbook, 1996 by CRC Press, Inc., ed. William S. Levine, 99-108, 1996
Inline Integration: A New Mixed Symbolic/Numeric Approach for Solving Differential-Algebraic Equations Systems
H Elmqvist, M Otter, FE Cellier
ESM'95, European Simulation Multiconference, Prag, 5.-8. Juni 1995, xxiii-xxxiv, 1995
Hierarchical non-linear bond graphs: a unified methodology for modeling complex physical systems
FE Cellier
Simulation 58 (4), 230-248, 1992
The Modelica bond graph library
FE Cellier, À Nebot
Proc. 4th International Modelica Conference, Hamburg Germany, 2005
Discrete event modeling and simulation technologies: a tapestry of systems and AI-based theories and methodologies
FE Cellier
Springer Science & Business Media, 2001
Combined qualitative/quantitative simulation models of continuous-time processes using fuzzy inductive reasoning techniques
FE Cellier, A Nebot, F Mugica, AD Albornoz
International Journal of General System 24 (1-2), 95-116, 1996
Linearly implicit quantization-based integration methods for stiff ordinary differential equations
G Migoni, M Bortolotto, E Kofman, FE Cellier
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 35, 118-136, 2013
Switching moving boundary models for two-phase flow evaporators and condensers
J Bonilla, S Dormido, FE Cellier
Communications in nonlinear science and numerical simulation 20 (3), 743-768, 2015
SAPS-II: a new implementation of the systems approach problem solver
FE Cellier, DW Yandell
International Journal of General System 13 (4), 307-322, 1987
Object-oriented modeling: means for dealing with system complexity
FE Cellier
Proceedings of the 15th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control, Mierlo, The …, 1996
Mixed quantitative/qualitative modeling and simulation of the cardiovascular system
A Nebot, FE Cellier, M Vallverdú
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 55 (2), 127-155, 1998
Bond graph modeling of variable structure systems
FE Cellier, M Otter, H Elmqvist
Simulation Series 27, 49-49, 1994
Simulation software: Today and tomorrow
FE Cellier
Proc Sihwfafion in Fgineering.% i&7ces(J. Burger and Y. Varny, eds.). North …, 1983
Guidelines for modeling and simulation of hybrid systems
FE Cellier, H Elmqvist, M Otter, JH Taylor
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 26 (2), 1219-1225, 1993
El sistema no puede realizar la operación en estos momentos. Inténtalo de nuevo más tarde.
Artículos 1–20