Kathryn M. Nowotny
Cited by
Cited by
COVID-19 exposes need for progressive criminal justice reform
K Nowotny, Z Bailey, M Omori, L Brinkley-Rubinstein
American Journal of Public Health 110 (7), 967-968, 2020
Health and justice: framing incarceration as a social determinant of health for Black men in the United States
KM Nowotny, A Kuptsevych‐Timmer
Sociology Compass 12 (3), e12566, 2018
Substance use and intimate partner violence victimization among White, African American, and Latina women
KM Nowotny, JL Graves
Journal of interpersonal violence 28 (17), 3301-3318, 2013
Racial disparities in health conditions among prisoners compared with the general population
KM Nowotny, RG Rogers, JD Boardman
SSM-Population Health 3, 487-496, 2017
Risk profile and treatment needs of women in jail with co-occurring serious mental illness and substance use disorders
KM Nowotny, J Belknap, S Lynch, D DeHart
Women & health 54 (8), 781-795, 2014
Risk of COVID-19 infection among prison staff in the United States
KM Nowotny, K Seide, L Brinkley-Rubinstein
BMC Public Health 21 (1), 1036, 2021
Growing old behind bars: Health profiles of the older male inmate population in the United States
KM Nowotny, A Cepeda, L James-Hawkins, JD Boardman
Journal of aging and health 28 (6), 935-956, 2016
Prison population reductions and COVID-19: A latent profile analysis synthesizing recent evidence from the Texas state prison system
N Vest, O Johnson, K Nowotny, L Brinkley-Rubinstein
Journal of Urban Health 98, 53-58, 2021
Gendered contexts: variation in suicidal ideation by female and male youth across US states
KM Nowotny, RL Peterson, JD Boardman
Journal of health and social behavior 56 (1), 114-130, 2015
Incarceration as a fundamental social cause of health inequalities: Jails, prisons and vulnerability to COVID-19
MA Novisky, KM Nowotny, DB Jackson, A Testa, MG Vaughn
The British Journal of Criminology 61 (6), 1630-1646, 2021
COVID-19 cases and testing in 53 prison systems
K Lemasters, E McCauley, K Nowotny, L Brinkley-Rubinstein
Health & Justice 8, 1-6, 2020
The contribution of prisons and jails to US racial disparities during COVID-19
KM Nowotny, Z Bailey, L Brinkley-Rubinstein
American Journal of Public Health 111 (2), 197-199, 2021
Carceral epidemiology: mass incarceration and structural racism during the COVID-19 pandemic
K LeMasters, L Brinkley-Rubinstein, M Maner, M Peterson, K Nowotny, ...
The Lancet Public Health 7 (3), e287-e290, 2022
An ethnography of emerging Latino music scenes
JA Kotarba, JL Fackler, KM Nowotny
Symbolic Interaction 32 (4), 310-333, 2009
Spotlight on jails: COVID-19 mitigation policies needed now
AG Wurcel, E Dauria, N Zaller, A Nijhawan, C Beckwith, K Nowotny, ...
Clinical Infectious Diseases 71 (15), 891-892, 2020
Race and the association between police stops and depression among young adults: A research note
V Baćak, KM Nowotny
Race and justice 10 (3), 363-375, 2020
Health care needs and service use among male prison inmates in the United States: A multi-level behavioral model of prison health service utilization
KM Nowotny
Health & justice 5, 1-13, 2017
A border context of violence: Mexican female sex workers on the US–Mexico border
A Cepeda, KM Nowotny
Violence against women 20 (12), 1506-1531, 2014
Race/ethnic disparities in the utilization of treatment for drug dependent inmates in US state correctional facilities
KM Nowotny
Addictive Behaviors 40, 148-153, 2015
The relationship between education and health among incarcerated men and women in the United States
KM Nowotny, RK Masters, JD Boardman
BMC public health 16, 1-8, 2016
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Articles 1–20