Zhongying Zhao
Zhongying Zhao
Shandong University of Science and Technology
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Cited by
Topic oriented community detection through social objects and link analysis in social networks
Z Zhao, S Feng, Q Wang, JZ Huang, GJ Williams, J Fan
Knowledge-Based Systems 26, 164-173, 2012
An incremental method to detect communities in dynamic evolving social networks
Z Zhao, C Li, X Zhang, F Chiclana, EH Viedma
Knowledge-Based Systems 163, 404-415, 2019
HetNERec: Heterogeneous network embedding based recommendation
Z Zhao, X Zhang, H Zhou, C Li, M Gong, Y Wang
Knowledge-based systems 204, 106218, 2020
Course ontology-based user’s knowledge requirement acquisition from behaviors within e-learning systems
Q Zeng, Z Zhao, Y Liang
Computers & Education 53 (3), 809-818, 2009
Multiplex heterogeneous graph convolutional network
P Yu, C Fu, Y Yu, C Huang, Z Zhao, J Dong
Proceedings of the 28th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and …, 2022
Deep cognitive diagnosis model for predicting students’ performance
L Gao, Z Zhao, C Li, J Zhao, Q Zeng
Future Generation Computer Systems 126, 252-262, 2022
A comparative study on community detection methods in complex networks
Z Zhao, S Zheng, C Li, J Sun, L Chang, F Chiclana
Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 35 (1), 1077-1086, 2018
Deepemlan: deep embedding learning for attributed networks
Z Zhao, H Zhou, C Li, J Tang, Q Zeng
Information Sciences 543, 382-397, 2021
Community detection based on unsupervised attributed network embedding
X Zhou, L Su, X Li, Z Zhao, C Li
Expert Systems with Applications 213, 118937, 2023
Self-paced co-training of graph neural networks for semi-supervised node classification
M Gong, H Zhou, AK Qin, W Liu, Z Zhao
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 34 (11), 9234-9247, 2022
Inductive representation learning via CNN for partially-unseen attributed networks
Z Zhao, H Zhou, L Qi, L Chang, MC Zhou
IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering 8 (1), 695-706, 2021
Identifying advisor-advisee relationships from co-author networks via a novel deep model
Z Zhao, W Liu, Y Qian, L Nie, Y Yin, Y Zhang
Information Sciences 466, 258-269, 2018
Dual feature interaction-based graph convolutional network
Z Zhao, Z Yang, C Li, Q Zeng, W Guan, MC Zhou
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 35 (9), 9019-9030, 2022
GuessUNeed: Recommending courses via neural attention network and course prerequisite relation embeddings
Z Zhao, Y Yang, C Li, L Nie
ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications …, 2020
Session-based recommendation with hypergraph convolutional networks and sequential information embeddings
C Ding, Z Zhao, C Li, Y Yu, Q Zeng
Expert Systems with Applications 223, 119875, 2023
Probability model selection and parameter evolutionary estimation for clustering imbalanced data without sampling
J Fan, Z Niu, Y Liang, Z Zhao
Neurocomputing 211, 172-181, 2016
AF-GCN: Attribute-fusing graph convolution network for recommendation
G Yue, R Xiao, Z Zhao, C Li
IEEE Transactions on Big Data 9 (2), 597-607, 2022
Modeling the effort and learning ability of students in MOOCs
L Gao, Z Zhao, L Qi, Y Liang, J Du
Ieee Access 7, 128035-128042, 2019
BA-GNN: Behavior-aware graph neural network for session-based recommendation
Y Liang, Q Song, Z Zhao, H Zhou, M Gong
Frontiers of Computer Science 17 (6), 176613, 2023
Smgcl: Semi-supervised multi-view graph contrastive learning
H Zhou, M Gong, S Wang, Y Gao, Z Zhao
Knowledge-Based Systems 260, 110120, 2023
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Articles 1–20