Charles Bamber
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Cited by
Positron production in multiphoton light-by-light scattering
DL Burke, RC Field, G Horton-Smith, JE Spencer, D Walz, SC Berridge, ...
Physical Review Letters 79 (9), 1626, 1997
Direct measurement of the quantum wavefunction
JS Lundeen, B Sutherland, A Patel, C Stewart, C Bamber
Nature 474 (7350), 188-191, 2011
Observation of nonlinear effects in Compton scattering
C Bula, KT McDonald, EJ Prebys, C Bamber, S Boege, T Kotseroglou, ...
Physical Review Letters 76 (17), 3116, 1996
Studies of nonlinear QED in collisions of 46.6 GeV electrons with intense laser pulses
C Bamber, SJ Boege, T Koffas, T Kotseroglou, AC Melissinos, ...
Physical Review D 60 (9), 092004, 1999
Procedure for direct measurement of general quantum states using weak measurement
JS Lundeen, C Bamber
Physical review letters 108 (7), 070402, 2012
Observing Dirac’s classical phase space analog to the quantum state
C Bamber, JS Lundeen
Physical Review Letters 112 (7), 070405, 2014
Photonics: principles and practices
A Al-Azzawi, I Hasan, V Dube, W Almuhtadi, C Bamber, R Weeks
CRC Press, 2017
Picosecond timing of terawatt laser pulses with the SLAC 46 GeV electron beam
T Kotseroglou, C Bamber, S Boege, AC Melissinos, DD Meyerhofer, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 1996
States of S 38 from the S 36 (t, p) 38 S reaction
NJ Davis, JA Kuehner, AA Pilt, AJ Trudel, MC Vetterli, C Bamber, ...
Physical Review C 32 (3), 713, 1985
0.5-Hz, phase-stabilized terawatt laser system with a Nd: glass slab amplifier for nonlinear QED experiments
C Bamber, T Blalock, S Boege, T Kotseroglou, AC Melissinos, W Ragg, ...
Laser Physics 7 (1), 135-140, 1997
Wideband filter radiometers for blackbody temperature measurements
LP Boivin, C Bamber, AA Gaertner, RK Gerson, DJ Woods, ER Woolliams
Journal of Modern Optics 57 (17), 1648-1660, 2010
Radial compression of picosecond electrical pulses
C Bamber, AC Melissinos, T Juhasz, RL Kingsley, WR Donaldson
Part. Accel. 23 (AFOSR-87-0328-1), 255, 1987
Vector analyzing powers for H 1 (d→, γ) 3 He and H 2 (p→, γ) 3 He
MC Vetterli, JA Kuehner, C Bamber, N Davis, AJ Trudel, HR Weller, ...
Physical Review C 38 (6), 2503, 1988
Electron acceleration using laser-driven photoconductive switching
C Bamber, W Donaldson, E Lincke, AC Melissinos
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 1993
Measurement of the transverse electric field profile of light by a self-referencing method with direct phase determination
C Bamber, B Sutherland, A Patel, C Stewart, JS Lundeen
Optics Express 20 (3), 2034-2044, 2012
Characterization of high-voltage photoconductive switches
W Donaldson, G Mourou, L Kingsley, C Bamber
Proc. 6th IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, 141-144, 1987
Spin-parity measurements in 44, 46Sc
C Bamber, NJ Davis, JA Kuehner, AA Pilt, AJ Trudel, MC Vetterli, ...
Physical Review C 34 (4), 1236, 1986
Weak measurement of the Dirac distribution
JS Lundeen, C Bamber
arXiv preprint arXiv:1110.0727, 2011
Positron production in multiphoton light-by-light scattering
E-144 Collaboration, C Bamber, SC Berridge, SJ Boege, WM Bugg, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 396 (1), 165-177, 1997
A pulsed-power electron accelerator using laser-driven photoconductive switches
C Bamber
University of Rochester, 1992
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Articles 1–20