Michelle M. Kazmer
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Cited by
Community development among distance learners: Temporal and technological dimensions
C Haythornthwaite, MM Kazmer, J Robins, S Shoemaker
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 6 (1), JCMC615, 2000
Qualitative interviewing in Internet studies: Playing with the media, playing with the method
MM Kazmer, B Xie
Information, community and society 11 (2), 257-278, 2008
Bringing the Internet home: Adult distance learners and their Internet, home, and work worlds
C Haythornthwaite, MM Kazmer
The Internet in everyday life, 429-463, 2002
Juggling multiple social worlds: Distance students online and offline
MM Kazmer, C Haythornthwaite
American Behavioral Scientist 45 (3), 510-529, 2001
Telephone-based, cognitive-behavioral therapy for African American dementia caregivers with depression: initial findings.
RL Glueckauf, WS Davis, F Willis, D Sharma, DJ Gustafson, J Hayes, ...
Rehabilitation psychology 57 (2), 124, 2012
Composition of scientific teams and publication productivity at a national science lab
B Stvilia, CC Hinnant, K Schindler, A Worrall, G Burnett, K Burnett, ...
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 62 (2 …, 2011
Learning, culture, and community in online education: Research and practice
MM Kazmer
Peter Lang, 2004
Scientific inquiry, digital literacy, and mobile computing in informal learning environments
PF Marty, ND Alemanne, A Mendenhall, M Maurya, SA Southerland, ...
Learning, Media and Technology 38 (4), 407-428, 2013
Coping in a distance environment: Sitcoms, chocolate cake and dinner with a friend
MM Kazmer
First Monday, 2000
Community-embedded learning
MM Kazmer
The Library Quarterly 75 (2), 190-212, 2005
Theories and models of and for online learning
C Haythornthwaite, R Andrews, MM Kazmer, BC Bruce, RA Montague, ...
First Monday, 2007
Distributed knowledge in an online patient support community: Authority and discovery
MM Kazmer, MLA Lustria, J Cortese, G Burnett, JH Kim, J Ma, J Frost
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 65 (7 …, 2014
Inscription and interpretation of text: A cultural hermeneutic examination of virtual community
G Burnett, MH Dickey, MM Kazmer, KM Chudoba
Information Research 9 (1), 9-1, 2003
Multiple perspectives on online learning
MM Kazmer, C Haythornthwaite
ACM SIGGroup Bulletin 25 (1), 7-11, 2005
Do you read me? Perspective making and perspective taking in chat communities
MH Dickey, G Burnett, KM Chudoba, MM Kazmer
Journal of the Association for Information Systems 8 (1), 4, 2007
Research project tasks, data, and perceptions of data quality in a condensed matter physics community
B Stvilia, CC Hinnant, S Wu, A Worrall, DJ Lee, K Burnett, G Burnett, ...
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 66 (2 …, 2015
Making connections: Community among computer-supported distance learners
C Haythornthwaite, M Kazmer, J Robins, S Shoemaker
Association for Library and Information Science Education 2000 Conference …, 2000
Beyond CU L8R: Disengaging from online social worlds
MM Kazmer
New Media & Society 9 (1), 111-138, 2007
Author-team diversity and the impact of scientific publications: Evidence from physics research at a national science lab
CC Hinnant, B Stvilia, S Wu, A Worrall, G Burnett, K Burnett, MM Kazmer, ...
Library & Information Science Research 34 (4), 249-257, 2012
How do student experiences differ in online LIS programs with and without a residency?
MM Kazmer
The Library Quarterly 77 (4), 359-383, 2007
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Articles 1–20