Jérôme Vialard
Jérôme Vialard
(IRD) Institut de Recherche pour le Développement
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ENSO representation in climate models: From CMIP3 to CMIP5
H Bellenger, E Guilyardi, J Leloup, M Lengaigne, J Vialard
Climate Dynamics 42, 1999-2018, 2014
Presentation and evaluation of the IPSL‐CM6A‐LR climate model
O Boucher, J Servonnat, AL Albright, O Aumont, Y Balkanski, V Bastrikov, ...
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 12 (7), e2019MS002010, 2020
RAMA: the research moored array for African–Asian–Australian monsoon analysis and prediction
MJ Mcphaden, G Meyers, K Ando, Y Masumoto, VSN Murty, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 90 (4), 459-480, 2009
Influence of the state of the Indian Ocean Dipole on the following year’s El Niño
T Izumo, J Vialard, M Lengaigne, C de Boyer Montegut, SK Behera, ...
Nature Geoscience 3 (3), 168-172, 2010
TropFlux: Air-sea fluxes for the global tropical oceans—Description and evaluation
B Praveen Kumar, J Vialard, M Lengaigne, VSN Murty, MJ Mcphaden
Climate dynamics 38, 1521-1543, 2012
An OGCM study for the TOGA decade. Part I: Role of salinity in the physics of the western Pacific fresh pool
J Vialard, P Delecluse
Journal of Physical Oceanography 28 (6), 1071-1088, 1998
Three-and four-dimensional variational assimilation with a general circulation model of the tropical Pacific Ocean. Part I: Formulation, internal diagnostics, and consistency …
AT Weaver, J Vialard, DLT Anderson
Monthly Weather Review 131 (7), 1360-1378, 2003
A model study of oceanic mechanisms affecting equatorial Pacific sea surface temperature during the 1997–98 El Niño
J Vialard, C Menkes, JP Boulanger, P Delecluse, E Guilyardi, ...
Journal of Physical Oceanography 31 (7), 1649-1675, 2001
Indian Ocean decadal variability: A review
W Han, J Vialard, MJ McPhaden, T Lee, Y Masumoto, M Feng, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 95 (11), 1679-1703, 2014
An OGCM study for the TOGA decade. Part II: Barrier-layer formation and variability
J Vialard, P Delecluse
Journal of physical oceanography 28 (6), 1089-1106, 1998
Tropical explosive volcanic eruptions can trigger El Niño by cooling tropical Africa
M Khodri, T Izumo, J Vialard, S Janicot, C Cassou, M Lengaigne, J Mignot, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 778, 2017
Processes setting the characteristics of sea surface cooling induced by tropical cyclones
EM Vincent, M Lengaigne, G Madec, J Vialard, G Samson, NC Jourdain, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 117 (C2), 2012
Influence of upper‐ocean stratification on tropical cyclone‐induced surface cooling in the Bay of Bengal
S Neetu, M Lengaigne, EM Vincent, J Vialard, G Madec, G Samson, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 117 (C12), 2012
New SMOS Sea Surface Salinity with reduced systematic errors and improved variability
J Boutin, JL Vergely, S Marchand, F d'Amico, A Hasson, N Kolodziejczyk, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 214, 115-134, 2018
Ocean‐atmosphere interactions during cyclone nargis
MJ McPhaden, GR Foltz, T Lee, VSN Murty, M Ravichandran, GA Vecchi, ...
EOS, Transactions American Geophysical Union 90 (7), 53-54, 2009
Indian Ocean dipole and El Nino/southern oscillation impacts on regional chlorophyll anomalies in the Indian Ocean
JC Currie, M Lengaigne, J Vialard, DM Kaplan, O Aumont, SWA Naqvi, ...
Biogeosciences 10 (10), 6677-6698, 2013
Supplement to cirene: Air—sea interactions in the seychelles—chagos thermocline ridge region
J Vialard, JP Duvel, MJ Mcphaden, P Bouruet-Aubertot, B Ward, E Key, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 90 (1), ES1-ES4, 2009
The global tropical moored buoy array
MJ McPhaden, K Ando, B Bourles, HP Freitag, R Lumpkin, Y Masumoto, ...
Proceedings of OceanObs 9, 668-682, 2010
A modeling study of the processes of surface salinity seasonal cycle in the Bay of Bengal
VP Akhil, F Durand, M Lengaigne, J Vialard, MG Keerthi, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 119 (6), 3926-3947, 2014
Decadal climate variability in the tropical Pacific: Characteristics, causes, predictability, and prospects
S Power, M Lengaigne, A Capotondi, M Khodri, J Vialard, B Jebri, ...
Science 374 (6563), eaay9165, 2021
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Articles 1–20