Adolfo Bauchspiess
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Cited by
Fuzzy inference system applied to edge detection in digital images
CJ Miosso, A Bauchspiess
Proceedings of the V Brazilian Conference on Neural Networks, 481-486, 2001
Predictive sensor guided robotic manipulators in automated welding cells
A Bauchspiess, SCA Alfaro, LA Dobrzanski
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 109 (1-2), 13-19, 2001
Robust stability of networked control systems
LFC Figueredo, P Santana, ES Alves, JY Ishihara, GA Borges, ...
2009 IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation, 1535-1540, 2009
Internet based remote laboratory: The level control of three coupled water reservoirs
B Guimarães, AS Souza, HL Gosmann, A Bauchspiess
ACCA, Santiago de Chile, 2002
Controle fuzzy para sistema de nível de líquidos
FDEM Luna Filho, A Bauchspiess, HL Gosmann
Congresso Brasileiro de Automática 14 (2002), 3017-3022, 2002
Remote experimentation on a three coupled water reservoirs
A Bauchspiess, B Guimaraes, HL Gosmann
2003 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (Cat. No …, 2003
First-principles structured identification for predictive HVAC control
A Bauchspiess, JY Ishihara, F Felgner, L Litz
CLCA2006, Salvador, 6pp, 2006
Introdução aos Sistemas Inteligentes
A Bauchspiess
Aplicações em Engenharia de Redes Neurais Artificiais, Lógica Fuzzy e …, 2004
Introdução aos Sistemas Inteligentes–Aplicações em Engenharia de Redes Neurais Artificiais, Lógica Fuzzy e Sistemas Neuro-Fuzzy
Apostila, Universidade de Brasília-UnB, 2004
Robust H Output Tracking Control for a Class of Nonlinear Systems with Time-Varying Delays
LFC Figueredo, JY Ishihara, GA Borges, A Bauchspiess
Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing 33, 1451-1471, 2014
Robust stability criteria for uncertain systems with delay and its derivative varying within intervals
LF da Cruz Figueredo, JY Ishihara, GA Borges, A Bauchspiess
Proceedings of the 2011 American Control Conference, 4884-4889, 2011
Explicit non-congestion notification: A new AQM approach for TCP networks
LMA Sup, RM de Moraes, A Bauchspiess
2017 13th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing …, 2017
New delay-and-delay-derivative-dependent stability criteria for systems with time-varying delay
LF da Cruz Figueredo, JY Ishihara, GA Borges, A Bauchspiess
49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 1004-1009, 2010
Fuzzy thermal control with remote access for building automation
A Bauchspiess, AS Souza, AAC Leite, LMA Ramos, ÊS Pereira, ...
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 37 (4), 647-652, 2004
An evaluation of rssi based indoor localization systems in wireless sensor networks
L Figueredo, F Couto, A Bauchspiess
IIX Simpósio Brasileiro de Automação Inteligente, SBAI 2009, 2009
Sistema de experimentação remota configurável de controle de nível de líquidos multivariável
RE Jabuonski Jr, LV Ferreira, B Guimarães, A Bauchspiess
VI SBAI, Buaru, Brasil, 2003
Estudo do Controle de Pêndulo Inverso sobre Carro utilizando Rede Neural de Base Radial
AC Drummond, KC Oliveira, A Bauchspiess
IV Congresso Brasileiro de Redes Neurais, 1999
Delay-dependent robust stability analysis for time-delay T–S fuzzy systems with nonlinear local models
LFC Figueredo, JY Ishihara, GA Borges, A Bauchspiess
Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems 24, 11-21, 2013
Dynamic timed energy efficient and data collision free MAC protocol for wireless sensor networks
VG Guimaraes, A Bauchspiess, RM de Moraes
2013 IEEE Latin-America Conference on Communications, 1-6, 2013
Delay-dependent robust H∞ output tracking control for uncertain networked control systems
LFC Figueredo, JY Ishihara, GA Borges, A Bauchspiess
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 44 (1), 3256-3261, 2011
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Articles 1–20