Shiv Saini
Shiv Saini
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Cited by
Testing efficient risk sharing with heterogeneous risk preferences
M Mazzocco, S Saini
The American Economic Review 102 (1), 428-468, 2012
Root cause analysis of failures in microservices through causal discovery
A Ikram, S Chakraborty, S Mitra, S Saini, S Bagchi, M Kocaoglu
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 35, 31158-31170, 2022
Providing personalized alerts and anomaly summarization
N Modani, IA Burhanuddin, G Hiranandani, SK Saini
US Patent 12,112,349, 2024
Modeling Hint-Taking Behavior and Knowledge State of Students with Multi-Task Learning
RCPD Harvineet Singh, Shiv Kumar Saini
Educational Data Mining, 2018
Identifying sources of anomalies in multi-variable metrics using linearization
SK Saini, R Sinha, M Rimer, N Anandhavelu
US Patent 10,404,777, 2019
A non-parametric approach to the multi-channel attribution problem
MM Yadagiri, SK Saini, R Sinha
Web Information Systems Engineering–WISE 2015: 16th International Conference …, 2015
Extracting seasonal, level, and spike components from a time series of metrics data
SK Saini, S Choudhary, G Hiranandani
US Patent 10,628,435, 2020
Sparse decomposition for time series forecasting and anomaly detection
S Choudhary, G Hiranandani, SK Saini
Proceedings of the 2018 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, 522-530, 2018
Testing efficient risk sharing with heterogeneous risk preferences
M Mazzocco, S Saini
Probabilistic deduplication of anonymous web traffic
R Saha Roy, R Sinha, N Chhaya, S Saini
Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on World Wide Web, 103-104, 2015
Multiple treatment effect estimation using deep generative model with task embedding
SK Saini, S Dhamnani, AA Ibrahim, P Chavan
The World Wide Web Conference, 1601-1611, 2019
Marketing channel attribution
R Sinha, SK Saini, N Anandhavelu
US Patent App. 14/508,141, 2016
Estimating the Incremental Effects of Interactions for Marketing Attribution
SSAN Ritwik Sinha
2014 International Conference on Behavioral, Economic, Socio-Cultural Computing, 2014
Testing efficient risk sharing with heterogeneous risk preferences: Semi-parametric tests with an application to village economies
M Mazzocco, S Saini
UCLA and University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2006
Anomaly detection at coarser granularity of data
SK Saini, T Paulsen, M Sinha, G Hiranandani
US Patent 10,528,533, 2020
Causil: Causal graph for instance level microservice data
S Chakraborty, S Garg, S Agarwal, A Chauhan, SK Saini
Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2023, 2905-2915, 2023
Revelio: Ml-generated debugging queries for finding root causes in distributed systems
P Dogga, K Narasimhan, A Sivaraman, S Saini, G Varghese, R Netravali
Proceedings of Machine Learning and Systems 4, 601-622, 2022
Predictive modeling with entity representations computed from neural network models simultaneously trained on multiple tasks
SK Saini, V Vinay, V Nagar, A Mittal
US Patent 11,521,221, 2022
Utilizing a deep generative model with task embedding for personalized targeting of digital content through multiple channels across client devices
SK Saini, S Dhamnani, PA Chavan, ASAA Ibrahim, A Srinivasan
US Patent 11,109,083, 2021
Value function-based estimation of multi-channel attributions
MM Yadagiri, SK Saini, R Sinha
US Patent 10,395,272, 2019
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Articles 1–20