Venugopal V. Veeravalli
Cited by
Cited by
Distributed stochastic subgradient projection algorithms for convex optimization
S Sundhar Ram, A Nedić, VV Veeravalli
Journal of optimization theory and applications 147, 516-545, 2010
Cooperative sensing for primary detection in cognitive radio
J Unnikrishnan, VV Veeravalli
IEEE Journal of selected topics in signal processing 2 (1), 18-27, 2008
Decentralized detection in sensor networks
JF Chamberland, VV Veeravalli
IEEE transactions on signal processing 51 (2), 407-416, 2003
Gaussian interference networks: Sum capacity in the low-interference regime and new outer bounds on the capacity region
VS Annapureddy, VV Veeravalli
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 55 (7), 3032-3050, 2009
A sequential procedure for multihypothesis testing
CW Baum, VV Veeravalli
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 40 (6), 1994
Multihypothesis sequential probability ratio tests. I. Asymptotic optimality
VP Draglia, AG Tartakovsky, VV Veeravalli
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 45 (7), 2448-2461, 1999
Asymptotic results for decentralized detection in power constrained wireless sensor networks
JF Chamberland, VV Veeravalli
IEEE Journal on selected areas in communications 22 (6), 1007-1015, 2004
Wireless sensors in distributed detection applications
JF Chamberland, VV Veeravalli
IEEE signal processing magazine 24 (3), 16-25, 2007
Gaussian orthogonal relay channels: Optimal resource allocation and capacity
Y Liang, VV Veeravalli
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 51 (9), 3284-3289, 2005
Incremental stochastic subgradient algorithms for convex optimization
SS Ram, A Nedić, VV Veeravalli
SIAM Journal on Optimization 20 (2), 691-717, 2009
Quickest change detection
VV Veeravalli, T Banerjee
Academic press library in signal processing 3, 209-255, 2014
Energy-efficient detection in sensor networks
S Appadwedula, VV Veeravalli, DL Jones
IEEE Journal on Selected areas in communications 23 (4), 693-702, 2005
General asymptotic Bayesian theory of quickest change detection
AG Tartakovsky, VV Veeravalli
Theory of Probability & Its Applications 49 (3), 458-497, 2005
Cooperative relay broadcast channels
Y Liang, VV Veeravalli
IEEE Transactions on information theory 53 (3), 900-928, 2007
Decentralized sequential detection with a fusion center performing the sequential test
VV Veeravalli, T Basar, HV Poor
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 39 (2), 433-442, 1993
Resource allocation for wireless fading relay channels: Max-min solution
Y Liang, VV Veeravalli, HV Poor
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 53 (10), 3432-3453, 2007
Decentralized quickest change detection
VV Veeravalli
IEEE Transactions on Information theory 47 (4), 1657-1665, 2001
Decentralized detection with censoring sensors
S Appadwedula, VV Veeravalli, DL Jones
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 56 (4), 1362-1373, 2008
Tightening mutual information-based bounds on generalization error
Y Bu, S Zou, VV Veeravalli
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Information Theory 1 (1), 121-130, 2020
Optimal strategies for communication and remote estimation with an energy harvesting sensor
A Nayyar, T Başar, D Teneketzis, VV Veeravalli
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 58 (9), 2246-2260, 2013
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