Fan Jiang
Fan Jiang
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Reducing the search space for big data mining for interesting patterns from uncertain data
CKS Leung, RK MacKinnon, F Jiang
2014 IEEE International Congress on Big Data, 315-322, 2014
Personalized DeepInf: enhanced social influence prediction with deep learning and transfer learning
CK Leung, A Cuzzocrea, JJ Mai, D Deng, F Jiang
2019 IEEE international conference on big data (big data), 2871-2880, 2019
Discovering frequent patterns from uncertain data streams with time-fading and landmark models
CKS Leung, A Cuzzocrea, F Jiang
Transactions on Large-Scale Data-and Knowledge-Centered Systems VIII …, 2013
A data analytic algorithm for managing, querying, and processing uncertain big data in cloud environments
F Jiang, CK Leung
Algorithms 8 (4), 1175-1194, 2015
Big data analytics of social networks for the discovery of “following” patterns
CKS Leung, F Jiang
Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery: 17th International Conference …, 2015
Finding popular friends in social networks
F Jiang, CKS Leung, SK Tanbeer
2012 Second International Conference on Cloud and Green Computing, 501-508, 2012
Parallel social network mining for interesting ‘following’patterns
CKS Leung, F Jiang, AGM Pazdor, AM Peddle
Concurrency and computation: practice and experience 28 (15), 3994-4012, 2016
A data science solution for mining interesting patterns from uncertain big data
CKS Leung, F Jiang
2014 IEEE Fourth International Conference on Big Data and Cloud Computing …, 2014
Effectively and efficiently mining frequent patterns from dense graph streams on disk
P Braun, JJ Cameron, A Cuzzocrea, F Jiang, CK Leung
Procedia Computer Science 35, 338-347, 2014
Big data analytics of social network data: who cares most about you on Facebook?
CK Leung, F Jiang, TW Poon, PÉ Crevier
Highlighting the importance of big data management and analysis for various …, 2018
Frequent pattern mining from time-fading streams of uncertain data
CKS Leung, F Jiang
Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery: 13th International Conference …, 2011
Frequent itemset mining of uncertain data streams using the damped window model
CKS Leung, F Jiang
Proceedings of the 2011 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 950-955, 2011
Big data mining of social networks for friend recommendation
F Jiang, CK Leung, AGM Pazdor
2016 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks …, 2016
Cities as forces for good in the environment: Sustainability in the water sector
MB Beck, F Jiang, F Shi, R Villarroel Walker
Athens, Georgia: Warnell School of Forestry & Natural Resources, University …, 2011
RadialViz: an orientation-free frequent pattern visualizer
CKS Leung, F Jiang
Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: 16th Pacific-Asia …, 2012
PyramidViz: visual analytics and big data visualization for frequent patterns
CK Leung, VV Kononov, AGM Pazdor, F Jiang
2016 IEEE 14th Intl Conf on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, 14th …, 2016
Mining sequential patterns from uncertain big DNA in the spark framework
F Jiang, CK Leung, OA Sarumi, CY Zhang
2016 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM …, 2016
Mining interesting “following” patterns from social networks
F Jiang, CKS Leung
International Conference on Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery, 308-319, 2014
An interactive circular visual analytic tool for visualization of web data
PMJ Dubois, Z Han, F Jiang, CK Leung
2016 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI), 709-712, 2016
FpMapViz: a space-filling visualization for frequent patterns
CKS Leung, F Jiang, PP Irani
2011 ieee 11th international conference on data mining workshops, 804-811, 2011
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