Pablo Tesone
Cited by
Cited by
A new modular implementation for stateful traits
P Tesone, S Ducasse, G Polito, L Fabresse, N Bouraqadi
Science of Computer Programming 195, 102470, 2020
Dynamic software update from development to production
P Tesone, G Polito, N Bouraqadi, S Ducasse, L Fabresse
The Journal of Object Technology 17 (1), 1-36, 2018
Cross-ISA testing of the Pharo VM: lessons learned while porting to ARMv8
G Polito, P Tesone, S Ducasse, L Fabresse, T Rogliano, ...
Proceedings of the 18th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Managed …, 2021
Deprewriter: On the fly rewriting method deprecations.
S Ducasse, G Polito, O Zaitsev, M Denker, P Tesone
The Journal of Object Technology 21 (1), 1-23, 2022
Preserving instance state during refactorings in live environments
P Tesone, G Polito, L Fabresse, N Bouraqadi, S Ducasse
Future Generation Computer Systems 110, 1-17, 2020
Instance migration in dynamic software update
P Tesone, G Polito, L Fabresse, N Bouraqadi, S Ducasse
Meta'16, 2016
Pharo: a reflective language-A first systematic analysis of reflective APIs
I Thomas, S Ducasse, P Tesone, G Polito
IWST 23—International Workshop on Smalltalk Technologies, 2023
Interpreter-guided differential JIT compiler unit testing
G Polito, S Ducasse, P Tesone
Proceedings of the 43rd ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Programming …, 2022
Transformation-based refactorings: a first analysis
N Anquetil, M Campero, S Ducasse, JP Sandoval, P Tesone
IWST 22-International Workshop of Smalltalk Technologies, 2022
An extensible constraint-based type inference algorithm for object-oriented dynamic languages supporting blocks and generic types
N Passerini, P Tesone, S Ducasse
International workshop of Smalltalk technologies, 2014
Porting a JIT compiler to RISC-v: Challenges and opportunities
Q Ducasse, G Polito, P Tesone, P Cotret, L Lagadec
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Managed Programming …, 2022
Implementing modular class-based reuse mechanisms on top of a single inheritance VM
P Tesone, G Polito, L Fabresse, N Bouraqadi, S Ducasse
Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 1030-1037, 2018
Heap fuzzing: Automatic garbage collection testing with expert-guided random events
G Polito, P Tesone, N Palumbo, S Ducasse, J Privat
2023 IEEE Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST …, 2023
Differential Testing of Simulation-Based Virtual Machine Generators: Automatic Detection of VM Generator Semantic Gaps Between Simulation and Generated VMs
P Misse-Chanabier, G Polito, N Bouraqadi, S Ducasse, L Fabresse, ...
International Conference on Software and Software Reuse, 103-119, 2022
Interpreter Register Autolocalisation: Improving the performance of efficient interpreters
G Polito, N Palumbo, S Labsari, S Ducasse, P Tesone
Companion Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on the Art …, 2022
Dynamic Software Update for Production and Live Programming Environments
P Tesone
IMT Lille Douai, 2018
A classification of runtime reflective operations in Pharo
I Thomas, S Ducasse, P Tesone, G Polito
Inria Lille-Nord Europe, CRIStAL-Centre de Recherche en Informatique, Signal …, 2023
GildaVM: a Non-Blocking I/O Architecture for the Cog VM
G Polito, P Tesone, E Miranda, D Simmons
IWST19-International Workshop on Smalltalk Technologies, 2019
Pharo: A reflective language—Analyzing the reflective API and its internal dependencies
I Thomas, S Ducasse, P Tesone, G Polito
Journal of Computer Languages 80, 101274, 2024
Profiling code cache behaviour via events
P Tesone, G Polito, S Ducasse
Proceedings of the 18th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Managed …, 2021
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Articles 1–20