Julio Cesar De luca
Julio Cesar De luca
Jefe de Trabajos Prácticos, Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
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Male‐mediated introgression of Bos indicus genes into Argentine and Bolivian Creole cattle breeds
G Giovambattista, MV Ripoli, JC De Luca, PM Mirol, JP Liron, FN Dulout
Animal Genetics 31 (5), 302-305, 2000
The kinetics of DNA damage by bleomycin in mammalian cells
López-Larraza D., JCDLNO Bianchi
Mutation Research 232, 57-61, 1990
Analysis of genetic diversity and population structure in Argentine and Bolivian Creole Cattle using five loci Related to milk production
MVR Lirón J.P., JCD Luca, PPGG Giovambattista
Genetics and Molecular Biology 25, 413-419, 2002
Biological Dosimetry Intercomparison Exercise: An Evaluation of Triage and Routine Mode Results by Robust Methods
Radiation Research 175, 638–649, 2011
Association between copper deficiency and DNA damage in cattle
JCDLFND Picco, S.J., M.C. Abba, G.A. Mattioli, L.E. Fazzio, D. Rosas
Mutagenesis 19, 453-456, 2004
Gene frequency distribution of the BoLA-DRB3 locus in Saavedreño Creole Dairy Cattle
GG Ripoli MV, Lirón JP, De Luca JC, Rojas F, Dulout FN
Biochemical Genetic 42, 231-40, 2004
Clastogenic effect of copper deficiency in cattle
M Abba, JC De Luca, G Mattioli, E Zaccardi, FN Dulout
Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis 466 (1 …, 2000
DNA damage induced by copper deficiency in cattle assessed by the Comet assay
GMFND Picco, S.J., J.C. De Luca
Mutation Research 498, 1-6, 2001
Interlaboratory Comparison of Dicentric Chromosome Assay Using Electronically Transmitted Images
Radiation Protection Dosimetry 154, 18–25, 2013
Interlaboratory Comparison of Dicentric Chromosome Assay Using Electronically Transmitted Images
Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 1–8, 2012
Asociación entre cinco genes candidatos y producción de leche en la raza criolla saavedreña
FNDGG Ripoli M. V., P. M. Corva, A. Antonini, J. C. De Luca, F. Rojas
Archivos de Zootecnia 52, 89-92, 2003
Prevalence of chromosomal aberrations in Argentinean agricultural workers
GE Bianco, E Suarez, L Cazon, TB de la Puente, MRB Ahrendts, ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 24, 21146-21152, 2017
Incidence of 1/29 translocation in Bolivian Creole cattle and Brahman yacumeño
JC De Luca, L Zufriategui, SJ Picco, MV Ripoli, G Giovambattista, ...
Theriogenology 58, 1273-1281, 2002
Male pseudohermaphroditism in a dog: A case report
AN Del Amo, JCD Luca, L Zufriategui, A Armocida, CGBC Gobello
Communications in Theriogenology 1, 2001
The induction of reciprocal translocations in mouse germ cells by chemicals and ionizing radiations. I. Dose-response relationships and combined effects of bleomycin with thio …
DL J.C., FNDJM Andrieu
Mutation Research 202, 65-70, 1988
Genotoxic Effects Induced by Cd+2, Cr+6, Cu+2 in the Gill and Liver of Odontesthes bonariensis (Piscies, Atherinopsidae)
J Gasulla, SJ Picco, P Carriquiriborde, FN Dulout, AE Ronco, JC De Luca
Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology 96, 591-595, 2016
Y-chromosome morphology and incidence of the 1/29 translocation in argentine Creole bulls
DL J.C., CD Golijow, G Giovambattista
Theriogenology 47, 761-764, 1997
Patagonian argentine Creole cattle polymorphism. Comparison with northwest populations of this breed
M R.D., G Giovambattista, MV Ripoli, JCDLFN Dulout
Research in Veterinary Science 74, 287-290, 2003
Nucleolar variation in response to nutritional condition in juvenile pejerrey Odontesthes bonariensis (Valenciennes)
FNDAER Carriquiriborde, P., J. C. De Luca
Journal of Fish Biology 70, 947–958, 2007
Chromosomal damage in air crew members of international flights. A preliminary report
P S.J., JCD Luca, CMIFN Dulout
Genetics and Molecular Biology 23, 1117-1120, 2000
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