Fernando Lisboa Teixeira
Fernando Lisboa Teixeira
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, The Ohio State University
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Cited by
DeepNIS: Deep neural network for nonlinear electromagnetic inverse scattering
L Li, LG Wang, FL Teixeira, C Liu, A Nehorai, TJ Cui
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 67 (3), 1819-1825, 2018
Systematic derivation of anisotropic PML absorbing media in cylindrical and spherical coordinates
FL Teixeira, WC Chew
IEEE microwave and guided wave letters 7 (11), 371-373, 1997
Time-domain finite-difference and finite-element methods for Maxwell equations in complex media
FL Teixeira
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 56 (8), 2150-2166, 2008
General closed-form PML constitutive tensors to match arbitrary bianisotropic and dispersive linear media
FL Teixeira, WC Chew
IEEE microwave and guided wave letters 8 (6), 223-225, 1998
Plasmon-enhanced optical absorption and photocurrent in organic bulk heterojunction photovoltaic devices using self-assembled layer of silver nanoparticles
WJ Yoon, KY Jung, J Liu, T Duraisamy, R Revur, FL Teixeira, S Sengupta, ...
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 94 (2), 128-132, 2010
Finite-difference time-domain simulation of ground penetrating radar on dispersive, inhomogeneous, and conductive soils
FL Teixeira, WC Chew, M Straka, ML Oristaglio, T Wang
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and remote sensing 36 (6), 1928-1937, 1998
Lattice electromagnetic theory from a topological viewpoint
FL Teixeira, WC Chew
Journal of mathematical physics 40 (1), 169-187, 1999
PML-FDTD in cylindrical and spherical grids
FL Teixeira, WC Chew
IEEE microwave and guided wave letters 7 (9), 285-287, 1997
Analytical derivation of a conformal perfectly matched absorber for electromagnetic waves
FL Teixeira, WC Chew
Microwave and Optical technology letters 17 (4), 231-236, 1998
Complex space approach to perfectly matched layers: a review and some new developments
FL Teixeira, WC Chew
International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices …, 2000
Differential forms, metrics, and the reflectionless absorption of electromagnetic waves
FL Teixeira, WC Chew
Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications 13, 665-686, 1999
Nanoring Plasmon Waveguides at Optical Communication Band
KY Jung, FL Teixeira, RM Reano
Journal of Lightwave Technology 25 (9), 2757-2765, 2007
Radiowave propagation: physics and applications
C Levis, JT Johnson, FL Teixeira
John Wiley & Sons, 2010
Full time-domain DORT for ultrawideband electromagnetic fields in dispersive, random inhomogeneous media
ME Yavuz, FL Teixeira
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 54 (8), 2305-2315, 2006
Space–frequency ultrawideband time-reversal imaging
ME Yavuz, FL Teixeira
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 46 (4), 1115-1124, 2008
A nonlinear image reconstruction technique for ECT using a combined neural network approach
Q Marashdeh, W Warsito, LS Fan, FL Teixeira
Measurement Science and Technology 17 (8), 2097, 2006
An iterative ADI-FDTD with reduced splitting error
S Wang, FL Teixeira, J Chen
IEEE microwave and wireless components letters 15 (2), 92-94, 2005
Finite-difference computation of transient electromagnetic waves for cylindrical geometries in complex media
FL Teixeira, WC Chew
IEEE Transactions on geoscience and remote sensing 38 (4), 1530-1543, 2000
A multimodal tomography system based on ECT sensors
Q Marashdeh, W Warsito, LS Fan, FL Teixeira
IEEE Sensors Journal 7 (3), 426-433, 2007
Mixed finite-element time-domain method for transient Maxwell equations in doubly dispersive media
B Donderici, FL Teixeira
IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques 56 (1), 113-120, 2008
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Articles 1–20