Gabriela Jurca
Gabriela Jurca
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Cited by
Integrating agile and user-centered design: A systematic mapping and review of evaluation and validation studies of agile-UX
G Jurca, TD Hellmann, F Maurer
2014 Agile conference, 24-32, 2014
Integrating text mining, data mining, and network analysis for identifying genetic breast cancer trends
G Jurca, O Addam, A Aksac, S Gao, T Özyer, D Demetrick, R Alhajj
BMC research notes 9, 1-35, 2016
Agile User‐Centered Design
G Jurca, TD Hellmann, F Maurer
The Wiley Handbook of Human Computer Interaction 1, 109-123, 2018
Structure of a backtracked state reveals conformational changes similar to the state following nucleotide incorporation in human norovirus polymerase
D Zamyatkin, C Rao, E Hoffarth, G Jurca, H Rho, F Parra, P Grochulski, ...
Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biological Crystallography 70 (12), 3099-3109, 2014
Timelines of Prostate Cancer Biomarkers
G Jurca, O Addam, J Rokne, R Alhajj
Social Network Based Big Data Analysis and Applications, 105-121, 2018
Diversity and Influence as Key Measures to Assess Candidates for Hiring or Promotion in Academia
G Jurca, O Addam, J Rokne, R Alhajj
Social Network Based Big Data Analysis and Applications, 85-103, 2018
Integrating Text Mining, Data Mining, and Network Analysis to Analyze Biomarker Trends in Prostate Cancer and Breast Cancer
G Jurca
Conformational changes in human Norovirus polymerase
K Ng, D Zamyatkin, H Rho, E Hoffarth, G Jurca, A Cottle, D Lang, V Sohal, ...
Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations and Advances 70, C1595-C1595, 2014
MS110. O04
K Ng, D Zamyatkin, H Rho, E Hoffarth, G Jurca, A Cottle, D Lang, V Sohal, ...
Acta Cryst 70, C1595, 2014
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Articles 1–9