Pablo David Villarreal
Pablo David Villarreal
Full Professor, Information System Department, National Technological University - Santa Fe Faculty
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Extending BPMN 2.0: method and tool support
LJR Stroppi, O Chiotti, PD Villarreal
Business Process Model and Notation: Third International Workshop, BPMN 2011 …, 2011
A BPMN 2.0 Extension to Define the Resource Perspective of Business Process Models.
LJR Stroppi, O Chiotti, PD Villarreal
CIbSE, 25-38, 2011
Tolerance to ultraviolet radiation of psychrotolerant yeasts and analysis of their carotenoid, mycosporine, and ergosterol content
P Villarreal, M Carrasco, S Barahona, J Alcaino, V Cifuentes, M Baeza
Current Microbiology 72, 94-101, 2016
Modeling and Specification of Collaborative Business Processes with a MDS Approach and a UML Profile
PD Villarreal, E Salomone, O Chiotti
Enterprise modeling and computing with UML, 13-44, 2007
A modeling approach for collaborative business processes based on the up-colbpip language
PD Villarreal, I Lazarte, J Roa, O Chiotti
Business Process Management Workshops: BPM 2009 International Workshops, Ulm …, 2010
Defining the resource perspective in the development of processes-aware information systems
LJR Stroppi, O Chiotti, PD Villarreal
Information and Software Technology 59, 86-108, 2015
Extended Resource Perspective Support for BPMN and BPEL.
LJR Stroppi, O Chiotti, PD Villarreal
CIbSE, 56-69, 2012
Process-oriented integration and coordination of healthcare services across organizational boundaries
E Tello-Leal, O Chiotti, PD Villarreal
Journal of medical systems 36 (6), 3713-3724, 2012
A preliminary study of Hello Barbie in Brazil and Argentina
M Fantinato, PCK Hung, Y Jiang, J Roa, P Villarreal, M Melaisi, ...
Sustainable cities and society 40, 83-90, 2018
A distributed repository for managing business process models in cross-organizational collaborations
IM Lazarte, LH Thom, C Iochpe, O Chiotti, PD Villarreal
Computers in Industry 64 (3), 252-267, 2013
A verification method for collaborative business processes
J Roa, O Chiotti, P Villarreal
Business Process Management Workshops: BPM 2011 International Workshops …, 2012
Model-driven development methodology for B2B collaborations
IM Lazarte, E Tello-Leal, J Roa, O Chiotti, PD Villarreal
2010 14th IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing …, 2010
Software agent architecture for managing inter-organizational collaborations
E Tello-Leal, O Chiotti, PD Villarreal
Journal of applied research and technology 12 (3), 514-526, 2014
A technological solution to provide integrated and process-oriented care services in healthcare organizations
E Tello-Leal, PD Villarreal, O Chiotti, AB Rios-Alvarado, I Lopez-Arevalo
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 12 (4), 1508-1518, 2016
Specification of behavioral anti-patterns for the verification of block-structured collaborative business processes
J Roa, O Chiotti, P Villarreal
Information and Software Technology 75, 148-170, 2016
A MDA-based development process for collaborative business processes
PD Villarreal, E Salomone, O Chiotti
Milestones, Models and Mappings for Model-Driven Architecture 17, 2006
Cloud-based platform for collaborative business process management
D Cocconi, J Roa, P Villarreal
2017 XLIII Latin American Computer Conference (CLEI), 1-10, 2017
Transforming collaborative business process models into web services choreography specifications
PD Villarreal, E Salomone, O Chiotti
International Workshop on Data Engineering Issues in E-Commerce and Services …, 2006
A survey on purchase intention of hello barbie in brazil and argentina
M Fantinato, PCK Hung, Y Jiang, J Roa, P Villarreal, M Melaisi, ...
Computing in Smart Toys, 21-34, 2017
Integrated production planning and control in a collaborative partner-to-partner relationship
P Villarreal, M Caliusco, D Zucchini, F Arredondo, C Zanel, MR Galli, ...
Managing e-business in the 21st century, 91-110, 2003
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Articles 1–20