Dynamic measurements of hydrogen reaction with LaNi5− xSnx alloys EM Borzone, A Baruj, MV Blanco, GO Meyer international journal of hydrogen energy 38 (18), 7335-7343, 2013 | 73 | 2013 |
Stability of LaNi5− xSnx cycled in hydrogen EM Borzone, MV Blanco, A Baruj, GO Meyer international journal of hydrogen energy 39 (16), 8791-8796, 2014 | 64 | 2014 |
Hydrogen storage on LaNi5− xSnx. Experimental and phenomenological Model-based analysis DG Oliva, M Fuentes, EM Borzone, GO Meyer, PA Aguirre Energy Conversion and Management 173, 113-122, 2018 | 50 | 2018 |
Cycling performance and hydriding kinetics of LaNi5 and LaNi4. 73Sn0. 27 alloys in the presence of CO EM Borzone, MV Blanco, GO Meyer, A Baruj International Journal of hydrogen energy 39 (20), 10517-10524, 2014 | 38 | 2014 |
Design and operation of a hydrogen purification prototype based on metallic hydrides EM Borzone, A Baruj, GO Meyer Journal of Alloys and Compounds 695, 2190-2198, 2017 | 26 | 2017 |
Hydrogen sorption kinetics of La–Ni–Sn storage alloys MV Blanco, EM Borzone, A Baruj, GO Meyer International Journal of hydrogen energy 39 (11), 5858-5867, 2014 | 10 | 2014 |
Neutron radiography analysis of a hydride-based hydrogen storage system A Baruj, EM Borzone, M Ardito, J Marín, S Rivas, F Roldán, FA Sánchez, ... international journal of hydrogen energy 40 (47), 16913-16920, 2015 | 2 | 2015 |
Design and characterization of a hydride-based hydrogen storage container for neutron imaging studies A Baruj, M Ardito, J Marín, F Sánchez, EM Borzone, G Meyer Physics Procedia 69, 491-495, 2015 | 2 | 2015 |
Design of a hydrogen storage device for evaluating tensions induced by volumetric expansion during hydrogen absorption J Marín, A Biasetti, G Meyer, EM Borzone, N Aversente, A Baruj Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2605 (1), 012034, 2023 | | 2023 |
Decrepitation process of a hydride forming material observed by neutron radiography A Biasetti, J Marín, G Meyer, EM Borzone, N Aversente, A Baruj Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2605 (1), 012033, 2023 | | 2023 |
Separación de hidrógeno mediante hidruros metálicos. EM Borzone Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, 2016 | | 2016 |
Hydrogen separation processes by means of metallic hydrides; Procesos de separación de hidrógeno mediante hidruros metálicos EM Borzone, DG Oliva, M Fuentes, PA Aguirre, GO Meyer | | 2014 |
Analysis of hydride forming materials with neutrography technique; Analisis de materiales formadores de hidruros con la tecnica de neutrografia R Cardenas, AJ Somoza, EM Borzone, S Rivas, FA Sanchez, J Marin, ... | | 2012 |
Analysis of hydride forming materials with neutrography technique R Cardenas, AJ Somoza, EM Borzone, S Rivas, FA Sanchez, J Marin, ... | | 2012 |
Analysis of hydrogen separation methods in low pressure industrial processes; Analisis de metodos de separacion de hidrogeno en procesos industriales de baja presion M Milidoni, J Somoza, EM Borzone, MV Blanco, D Cestau, A Baruj, ... | | 2012 |
Hydride observations using the neutrography technique; Observacion de hidruros con la tecnica de neutrografia G Meyer, A Baruj, EM Borzone, R Cardenas, E Szames, J Somoza, ... | | 2012 |
Mechanical stress exerted upon the walls of hydrogen reservoir due to the de-crepitation process of a contained powdered hydride forming material (P-9H) AT Biasetti, G Meyer, EM Borzone, J Marín, J Azcárate | | |
Progress towards the industrial implementation of hydrogen purification processes EM Borzone, A Baruj, G Meyer | | |
Characterization of hydride forming materials at subzero temperatures M Gentile, E Borzone, A Baruj, G Meyer | | |