Ranjan Modak
Ranjan Modak
IIT Tirupati
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Cited by
Many-body localization in the presence of a single-particle mobility edge
R Modak, S Mukerjee
Physical review letters 115 (23), 230401, 2015
Entanglement production in bosonic systems: Linear and logarithmic growth
L Hackl, E Bianchi, R Modak, M Rigol
Physical Review A 97 (3), 032321, 2018
Many‐body localization in incommensurate models with a mobility edge
DL Deng, S Ganeshan, X Li, R Modak, S Mukerjee, JH Pixley
Annalen der Physik 529 (7), 1600399, 2017
Entanglement revivals as a probe of scrambling in finite quantum systems
R Modak, V Alba, P Calabrese
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2020 (8), 083110, 2020
Finite size scaling in crossover among different random matrix ensembles in microscopic lattice models
R Modak, S Mukerjee
New Journal of Physics 16 (9), 093016, 2014
Integrals of motion for one-dimensional Anderson localized systems
R Modak, S Mukerjee, EA Yuzbashyan, BS Shastry
New Journal of Physics 18 (3), 033010, 2016
Universal power law in crossover from integrability to quantum chaos
R Modak, S Mukerjee, S Ramaswamy
Physical Review B 90 (7), 075152, 2014
Role of different scattering mechanisms on the temperature dependence of transport in graphene
S Sarkar, KR Amin, R Modak, A Singh, S Mukerjee, A Bid
Scientific reports 5 (1), 1-10, 2015
Many-body dynamics in long-range hopping models in the presence of correlated and uncorrelated disorder
R Modak, T Nag
Physical Review Research 2 (1), 012074, 2020
Many-body dynamical phase transition in a quasiperiodic potential
R Modak, D Rakshit
Physical Review B 103 (22), 224310, 2021
Eigenstate entanglement entropy in a -invariant non-Hermitian system
R Modak, BP Mandal
Physical Review A 103 (6), 062416, 2021
Criterion for the occurrence of many-body localization in the presence of a single-particle mobility edge
R Modak, S Ghosh, S Mukerjee
Physical Review B 97 (10), 104204, 2018
Correlation and entanglement spreading in nested spin chains
R Modak, L Piroli, P Calabrese
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2019 (9), 093106, 2019
Many-body localization in a long-range model: Real-space renormalization-group study
R Modak, T Nag
Physical Review E 101 (5), 052108, 2020
Witnessing quantum chaos using observational entropy
S Pg, R Modak, S Aravinda
Physical Review E 107 (6), 064204, 2023
Uncertainty relation for non-Hermitian systems
N Shukla, R Modak, BP Mandal
Physical Review A 107 (4), 042201, 2023
Work extraction in an isolated quantum lattice system: Grand canonical and generalized Gibbs ensemble predictions
R Modak, M Rigol
Physical Review E 95 (6), 062145, 2017
Quantum adiabatic protocols using emergent local Hamiltonians
R Modak, L Vidmar, M Rigol
Physical Review E 96 (4), 042155, 2017
One-dimensional Lévy quasicrystal
P Chatterjee, R Modak
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 35 (50), 505602, 2023
Observational-entropic study of Anderson localization
R Modak, S Aravinda
Physical Review A 106 (6), 062217, 2022
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Articles 1–20