Vivek Chavan
Vivek Chavan
Senior Researcher , Institute for Basic Science, South Korea
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Hybrid organic-inorganic anion-exchange pore-filled membranes for the recovery of nitric acid from highly acidic aqueous waste streams
V Chavan, C Agarwal, VC Adya, AK Pandey
Water research 133, 87-98, 2018
Thin extractive membrane for monitoring actinides in aqueous streams
V Chavan, S Paul, AK Pandey, PC Kalsi, A Goswami
Journal of hazardous materials 260, 53-60, 2013
Genome-wide identification of long non-coding RNAs in tomato plants irradiated by neutrons followed by infection with Tomato yellow leaf curl virus
SLSWH Yujie Zhou , Won Kyong Cho , Hee-Seong Byun , Vivek Chavan , Eui-Joon Kil
PeerJ, 2019
A new chemical etchant for the development of alpha tracks in CR-39 solid state nuclear track detector
V Chavan, PC Kalsi, SW Hong, VK Manchanda
Nuclear instruments and methods in physics research section B: Beam …, 2020
Controlled development of pores in polyethylene terepthalate sheet by room temperature chemical etching method
V Chavan, C Agarwal, AK Pandey, JP Nair, P Surendran, PC Kalsi, ...
Journal of membrane science 471, 185-191, 2014
A novel room temperature-induced chemical etching (RTCE) technique for the enlargement of fission tracks in Lexan polycarbonate SSNTD
V Chavan, PC Kalsi, VK Manchanda
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2011
Understanding nitric acid-induced changes in the arrangement of monomeric and polymeric methacryloyl diglycolamides on their affinity toward f-element ions
V Chavan, S Patra, AK Pandey, V Thekkethil, M Iqbal, J Huskens, D Sen, ...
The Journal of physical chemistry B 119 (1), 212-218, 2015
Assembled diglycolamide for f-element ions sequestration at high acidity
V Chavan, V Thekkethil, AK Pandey, M Iqbal, J Huskens, SS Meena, ...
Reactive and Functional Polymers 74, 52-57, 2014
Actinides selective extractants coated magnetite nanoparticles for analytical applications
O Shashikala, C Sankararao, M Amol, S Krishankant, AK Pandey
J Radioanal Nucl Chem 312, 675-683, 2017
Pore-filled scintillating membrane as sensing matrix for α-emitting actinides
V Chavan, C Agarwal, AK Pandey
Analytical chemistry 88 (7), 3796-3803, 2016
Thin film of poly (bis [2-(methacryloyloxy) ethyl] phosphate) grafted on surface of poly (ether sulfone) membrane for plutonium (IV)-selective alpha tracks registration in CR …
AM Mhatre, S Chappa, V Chavan, AK Pandey
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 314, 187-196, 2017
Selective removal of arsenic (V) from natural water using N-methyl-d-glucamine functionalized poly (propylene) membranes
RN Shinde, V Chavan, R Acharya, NS Rajurkar, AK Pandey
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 2 (4), 2221-2228, 2014
Transcriptome profiles of tomato plants after neutron irradiation and infection with TYLCV
Y Zhou, WK Cho, HS Byun, EJ Kil, SI Bak, DH Moon, V Chavan, TS Park, ...
Physiologia plantarum 165 (2), 427-441, 2019
Phosphate barrier on pore-filled cation-exchange membrane for blocking complexing ions in presence of non-complexing ions
V Chavan, C Agarwal, RN Shinde
Applied Surface Science 443, 535-543, 2018
233Pa(2nth, f ) cross-section determination using a fission track technique
H Naik, PM Prajapati, SV Suryanarayana, PN Pathak, DR Prabhu, ...
The European Physical Journal A 47, 1-5, 2011
The etching, optical and thermal response of a newly developed nuclear track detector called NADAC-ADC copolymer to gamma-irradiation
V Chavan, P Kalsi, A Mhatre
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 287 (1), 273-276, 2011
Monoenergetic neutrons from the 9Be (p, n) 9B reaction induced by 35, 40 and 45-MeV protons
V Chavan, C Ham, SI Bak, V Gore, EJ In, D Moon, S Oh, B Park, TS Park, ...
Nuclear Physics A 1018, 122374, 2022
The effects of alpha irradiation on the optical reflectivity of composite polymers
V Chavan, A Kulkarni, SD Lee, V Kanade, D Lee, HU Kim, T Kim, ...
Radiation Physics and Chemistry 191, 109832, 2022
Determination of track registration efficiency and radiation chemical yield for loss of ester bonds due to gamma rays in cellulose acetate butyrate (CAB) nuclear track detector
V Chavan, PC Kalsi, VS Nadkarni, AK Pandey
Journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry 286, 181-183, 2010
A Simulation Study and Its Experimental Validation for the Detection of Neutrons with a Continuous Energy Spectrum by Using a MICROMEGAS Detector
C Ham, DY Kim, EJ In, SI Bak, JW Shin, S Oh, VR Chavan, KY Chae, ...
Journal of the Korean Physical Society 75, 775-784, 2019
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Articles 1–20